first day

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It was first day of uni i was excited but kinda nervous too . Lets be honest who wouldnot be when you are going to different place and that too without friends you have known most of your life is kinda hard. But you gotta make friends and keep calm. Everyone was staring me like hello i am not a foreigner . Most girls were talking to eachother maybe they were school friends or cousins . Unlucky for me i donot have cousin ar any friend here yet. Then some girls were pretty chatty some kept to themselves. After a while running and wandering like a person without water in a desert i finally found my class and waited excitedly for the lesson to begain. English my fav subject , it felt right at home being lost in english. The stuff the mam taught was pretty easy or she had a way of making it seem easy. I sat in the front because i would have fallen asleep  . Iman came and included me in her group. I was like yeah sure but inside i was having somersaults like wow i got such amazing people to be my group. May she thought i was intelligent or something but nontheless i will be forever grateful to her to intruducing me with such amazing people like hadiqa ,kiran , rida , aruba,and the joy of our group aymen

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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