Chapter 2: Onyx

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Life is unpredictable. To believe my life went from studies and combat to full-on liberation is... 


I hear the strike of the town bell as dawn breaks and proceeded to pack a bow and quiver full of arrows. I begrudgingly walk to my brother's room with the sword and shield latched on me, then hesitated for a good while before opening the door. 

She's still asleep. 

I've noticed this yesterday, but, for a queen, she acts surprisingly immature for her age and status. Regardless, I tap her shoulder and she doesn't seem to wake.

"My lady? It's time to wake up." I sigh as I begin walking out of the room not wanting to be around to see the so-called morning face of a woman my dad often warned me of. I hear her yawn from the room.

"Spoiled brat." I whisper and shook my head in exasperation as I tightened the strap of Green Shield to my back. I cover my ears as a scream pierces through my eardrums. I feel the vibrations of an object fly behind me. I take a step left and I see a shoe fly by my head.

Too close...

"Have the decency to install proper doors!" she screamed as she threw another shoe. I ducked and the shoe flew over my head this time. It was then that my fears were proven true. 

She's going to be a nightmare to work with. 

After Lilac gets dressed, we begin walking to Agtosu, the most popular tourist attraction in Ankai. Agtosu was a large marketing city. Dad often left for Agtosu to buy food or other supplies in excess. I can't blame him. Agtosu is a beautiful city full of people and businesses. After seeing that the sulky and ill-tempered employer of his has managed to keep up with me, I began to ponder just how long it will really be before we can catch up to my brother. 

Traveling across a continent is well... 

Long and boring. 

We've been traveling for 13 hours with small breaks every hour and have already found ourselves in the deep ends of the woods that only hunters would dare to reach. I had thought of trying this form of transportation. Seeing someone holding onto a sword as it flies across a portion of a supercontinent seemed too anticlimactic, a comedic form of transportation, though it probably wouldn't be too impossible for me one way or another. Throwing a sword would be a difficult task but, having the control to grip onto some part of the guard and not stop the flight entirely would be herculean. Dad had the strength but, didn't have the control for flight; Proant had the control but didn't have the strength for flight. If I can control the strength in my swing with a good grip, I could possibly fly across the continent. However, the royal employer of mine is next to me and the thought of her freaking out and screaming next to my ear almost made me groan in annoyance out loud. Yet, after so much walking and the mumbling complaints of the girl that somehow made her journey all the way to Nizio, a coastal town of Ankai, I couldn't take it anymore. 

"Lilac, this is taking too long, get on my back. We're flying to Agtosu" I sigh as I hunch down on one knee.

"It's queen. And when did you of all people receive the position to use my first name?" the queen snapped at him with a scowl riddled on her face.

"Look, Princess Zafieri or whatever, it's either we get to Agtosu in a month, or we get there in seconds" I pointed out with a frown, "So you either get on or we'll reach there in half a year. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to make my brother wait this long. So, hop on and get there in seconds or keep walking like this for years."

I couldn't see what the girl behind me was feeling or if she was going to pull a weapon behind my back, but I really don't have the time for any more of these annoying walks in the woods. Thankfully, she crawls onto my back, gripping onto my shoulders. 

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