1 - A Day Before They Arrived

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   He was in a dark corridor, he didn't fear too much about it but after looking around for a bit he saw a what looked like a silhouette of his mother. He slowly walked towards the silhouette and her face started coming in light very slowly. 

   All of a sudden another figure jumped into the corridor from the top and looked at her mother, fearing that the figure would harm his mother, he started running in his mother's direction. The figure being closer, started running in his mother's direction too. 

   He was running in his mother's direction and the figure was doing the same. The figure caught up to his mother and grabbed her. He was still trying to catch up to her mother but he was stuck in what felt like a endless loop. The figure started took his mother's hand and took a bite out of it. Filled with anger he tried to run faster and faster but he couldn't catch up to the figure or his mother. The figure chopped off her hands and legs and started eating them while his mother was screaming the same name over and over again, "Adam". Adam still trying to run towards them but he still couldn't because of the endless loop. The figure ate her bit by bit until she finally stopped screaming his son's name.

   Adam who was shocked by this incident fell to his knees with tears in his eyes. The figure ran towards the on-his-knees Adam. Adam who was not moving at all just waited for this nightmare to finish. The figure arrived at Adam and put it's hand on Adam's head and wrapped it's fingers around his head. Adam not knowing what's happening just sat there. The figure quickly plucked out his head and ate it. A headless Adam's dead body fell to the side. The figure sat down and started eating his dead body.

   Adam woke up in a sweat and was traumatized by the nightmare. He grabbed his phone and started scrolling through his contacts, stressfully trying to find the contact saved as "mom". He finally found the contact and quickly dialed it. He waited impatiently for his mother to pick up, waited for her to pick up the phone. 

"Adam, I was just about to call you" her mother said, when he heard his mother's voice he finally calmed down.

   His mother was saying his name after 1 after 2 but hearing no reply, she started getting a little worried. His mother, now worried was waiting for his son to reply. 

"Mom, sorry I wasn't replying I was just doing something, anyways hello mom" he said in an energetic voice. His mother felt relief and said hello back. They both chatted for 30-40 minutes about different things, but he didn't tell her about the nightmare.

   Adam sat up from the bed, placed his both legs down on the floor and stood up. He threw his phone to the bed and proceeded to walk to the bathroom. He proceeded to walk furthermore and stopped at front of the mirror. He looked at himself and he smiled a bit looking at the work he did on his body. He grabbed a toothbrush and toothpaste and he proceeded to brush his teeth. He then walked to the shower and he had a shower.

   He walked out from the bathroom with a towel around his waist and walked to the closet. He checked his clothes and he put on a black hoodie and pants. He grabbed his phone from the bed and checked the time. He was late for his work, he sighed and ran to his bike and he went to work.

   With visible tiredness on his face, he drove back at his home on his bike and dinner from a famous restaurant. He stopped at his home and checked the fuel, noticing that there was only a small amount of fuel left he thought he'd refuel it from a gas station tomorrow. He took the dinner and went to the door, using the keys he opened the door. 

   He walked inside and closed the door, placing the food at the dinner table, he sat down. He took out the food and started eating it. He then walks to the bedroom and walks to the windows, he looks at the stars and smiles a bit, he walks to his bed and proceeds to sleep. 

   The skies, the situations, his mother all combined gives him a happy dream but he was still not aware of what's about to happen...

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