That Fateful Day

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"This is taking so long," a certain spiky-haired boy said.

"Oh quiet you. Be thankful we got you out of the bathroom after that stunt you pulled," said the iron-walled girl, Seiri Fukiyose. "Try not to ruin this trip, Touma Kamijou."

"But I'm trying not to, OK!? It's not my fault the bathroom door somehow locked, leading for you guys to be an hour late." Touma defended himself to Fukiyose.

"Excuses! When will you start taking responsibility for your actions!!! Despicable!!!" Fukiyose would not give him any time of the day, so Touma instead, sat in silent frustration.

"My rotten luck," he lamented.

"Okay class, here we are!" The small teacher, Komoe Tsukuyomi, said to the class. The class looked out the windows, to see a large 4-storey glass building. On top of the building are the words 'SynCorp'.

"SynCorp is a relatively new company, which nonetheless, have put a name for themselves in the science world. Their advances in medicine and technology are truly something to behold. As I said before, they may be new, but they are doing very well for themselves." Komoe explained to the class. "Okay class, get off the bus. No pushing and pulling, all should go single file."

The entire class got off the bus rather uneventfully. Until Touma's uniform gets stuck on the bus' doors, then the bus drives away, with Touma in tow. The diminutive teacher gave chase in a panic after the bus.



"That was the 1,119,976th time it happened. That should've been a new record," Motoharu Tsuchimikado, Touma's neighbor in his dorms, wryly said to him.

"I don't want my misfortune to be recorded by you Motoharu," Touma deadpanned.

After a long conversation between Motoharu and Touma about keeping records, which somehow went to which is better (fox girls vs cat girls), the two went over to their blue-haired friend Pierce Aogami, who was forced to wait for them by Fukiyose. "Hurry up or you'll be left behind!" He shouted out to the duo. They hurriedly rushed towards him while still keeping up with the conversation.

As the tour guide of SynCorp guides the class throughout the lab, Touma looks around the lab; most of the technology here were already developed and used in Academy City, some were in development, and others impressed him, since he hasn't seen them used in the city. Like for example, genetically engineered spiders making silk 10x stronger than steel. Now that's something you don't see everyday. Or the effects of gamma radiation on living things. Like in the comic books. There are some spiders within that exhibit, some looking normal, and others noticeably different from regular ones.

And others he had to look away to prevent a phobia from awakening in him.

"Hey Kami," a voice interrupted his thoughts, as he turns to the direction of where it came from, his two classmates Aogami and Motoharu were calling him.

"What do you want," he said to them. "Hey Kami, could you take a picture of us with one of the spiders?" Aogami asks Touma.

"Wait, you can't do that. That's illegal. Besides with my luck shit tends to get worse," Touma said. "No one will know, Kami. Besides it's just one picture," Motoharu said. After 30 minutes, Touma reluctantly takes a picture. Unfortunately, the shutter light was on, and it wasn't set to silent mode; Komoe had to spend 3 hours to convince the management to release the idiot trio.

"What in the world were you thinking? Photographing test subjects? You're lucky they didn't sue the school!!! You should be ashamed of yourselves!!!!" Fukiyose scolded the trio. From there, she put the trio in front of the group, Fukiyose supervising them. After that, the tour was relatively uneventful, apart from Touma's classic misfortune.

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