A Summer Night

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   Piko sat on the couch, book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. He sat back against the arm of the couch, his legs taking up most of the couch. Len sat on the floor right in front of the couch playing a video game. It wasn't a loud game, so Piko didn't mind being in the same room. It was hot outside, even though it was night, but the air conditioning was turned up enough to make the room chilly.

   "Koko, I'm cold," Len said, not looking away from the screen. Piko took a sip of his tea and turned the page of his book.

   "Turn down the air then," the boy on the couch then said, not looking away from his book.

  "But if I do that, it will be too warm," the boy on the floor replied. He heard the other boy mumble, then sip his tea. Len then looked back at Piko. "Can you move your legs?"

   Piko took one final sip of his tea, then closed his book and set the cup and book on the coffee table next to the couch. He turned and moved his legs, careful not to hit Len, to sit normally on the couch. As soon as he did this, Len sat on the couch and cuddled up next to Piko, then continued his game. Piko put his arm around Len and watched him play.

   "What is this game called again?" Piko asked.

   "Doubutsu no Mori," Len replied. "There is a new version of the game, but I only have the gamecube version."

  Piko just nodded, and once again there was silence. After a few minutes, he lost interest in the game and looked around the room. There was a cat tree in the corner, with a sleeping cat in it. Len had given Piko the cat for his birthday a few years back. She was a white, odd-eyed cat with a blue and green eye. She had reminded him of Piko, so he thought she was the perfect gift for him. Piko had named her Emi.

   On the walls were pictures of them and their friends, a Kagamine family picture, a picture of Oliver from around his first week of secondary school (they got it from Oliver's mother, Ann, when visiting him and his family in England one summer. Len insisted they hung it up on the wall when they got home to embarress Oliver whenever he visited), and a picture of Piko wearing traditional clothing for a festival.

   Piko focused more on the festival photo. He remembered that festival. It was the first one he went to with Len. They ate food, played games, and had lots of fun. Len had spent a lot of his time trying to scoop goldfish. Sadly he couldn't scoop a single one. Piko then decided he wanted to try and managed to scoop 7 goldfish. He gave all his goldfish to Len.

   The best part of the festival was the fireworks. Not because of the fireworks, but because of what happened during the fireworks. Len had confessed to Piko during the fireworks. Piko wasn't sure why he chose to confess now or here, but it was better than never, so he didn't mind it too much. It was a moment they both would never forget.

   "Piko!" Len spoke in a quiet yet loud voice to get Piko's attention. The white haired boy had been too deep in his thoughts that he didn't realise Len was trying to speak to him. "It's late, we should go to bed"

   Piko once again nodded as a response. They both got up and got ready for bed. Piko went to the guest bathroom while Len went to the one closest to their room. Piko took a quick shower instead of the long baths he usually takes and changed into his pajamas (which are technically women's pajamas, but neither he or Len cares). He walked to their room to see Len already in bed.

   Len had his hair down tonight. When it's down, his hair is longer than Piko's. Piko likes it when Len has his hair down. He wouldn't admit it, but he enjoys playing with his hair, which is easier for him to do when it's down. He also just thinks Len looks cuter with his hair down (but he also wouldn't admit that).

  "Goodnight," Piko said, then turned so his back was facing Len.

  "Goodnight Koko," Len replied, leaning over Piko so he can kiss his cheek, then laying back down on his side and hugging Piko from behind.

   It's silent. The only thing they can hear is the air conditioner and their breathing. And with this silence, they fell asleep.

A/N: I wrote back in June at like, 12 am at night. If there are any mistakes, I am sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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