A Galaxy-Classed Starship Named USS Excursion

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The ship was large. The largest ship she had ever commanded. She sat on the captain's seat with some nervousness. What was she to expect on this mission?
She ran her fingers over the seat. She felt the smoothness of the chair. For some reason she felt fidgety. She stood up and walked around the bridge for some time. She sighed finally and walked off the bridge. Her crew hadn't gotten aboard. She had asked special permission to walk the ship before any of the preparations for the ship's maiden voyage were made.
"I'm ready for the crew to beam aboard," She said. The crew, not my crew... She didn't know them, they didn't know her. Would they respect her? Would they like her?
She walked towards the ready room. She knew the ship's layout and she could find her way around, but the ship seemed lifeless. It didn't feel living like the other ships she had served on or the other ships she had commanded.
She was on the bridge. A few crewmen were already there. "Captain on the Bridge," Someone said.
She looked at the crew. She nodded before walking to the ready room. She felt horrible as soon as she was out of view of the crew. She should have smiled and welcome them aboard, but she hadn't. She had just nodded.
She walked to the seat behind the desk. She sat down. She rested her elbows on the table and rubbed her face with her hands.
The ready room's door opened.
"Captain," A deep voice said as a greeting.
She looked up. She needed to make a better first impression. She smiled, it was a small, feeble smile.
She noticed the bars on his uniform.
"Commander Aage N. Connors," The man said.
"Captain Brenda L. Chang," She said.
Aage saluted. The Captain frowned slightly. "I going to speak very frankly," She said. "I have never had to command a ship of this size. I am very nervous over this assignment and how the crew will take to me. You seem like a very like able fellow, I'd like you to help me um..."
"Get on better terms with the crew?" Aage finished for her.
The Captain smiled slightly. "Exactly," She said.
"I don't think you will have anything to worry about," Aage said. "So far you are doing very well."
The Captain looked at her second-in-command. "Thank you," She said. "That is very reheasuring."
Aage smiled. His blue eyes squinted when he smiled. He had short blonde hair and was young and very tall. The Captain stood up.
"Would you like to come with me to inspect the preparations for the Excursion's maiden voyage?" She asked.
"Yes, sir," Aage said.
The Captain walked out of her ready room. Aage walked with her. The crew stood at attention as soon as she walked in. She smiled.
"I can tell this crew will be quite reliable," The Captain said to Aage.
Aage nodded. The Captain and her second-in-command walked to the turbolift. "Engineering," She said.
The turbolift began to move. Some of the crew would come onto the turbolift to go where they were supposed to go. They would always stand in attention when they saw the Captain. She would always put them at ease.
The Captain got off when the turbolift reached engineering. Aage went with her.
The Captain stood out of the way and watched the engineering crew busy themselves with the preparation of the Excursion. The Chief Engineer barked out order for the rest of the engineers to follow. The Captain walked towards the Chief Engineer.
The Chief Engineer saw her and smiled. "Brenda!" She exclaimed.
The Captain recognized her as Lieutenant Commander Alenis Bennya. She was a Bajoran engineer with long black hair worn up in a bun at all times, dark skin, and dark eyes that always had a mischievous glow to them.
"Bennya?" The Captain said surprised.
"Oh my god, I heard you were Captain," Bennya said. "I didn't think I'd be able to surprise you so soon."
"Oh, Commander Aage Connors, Lieutenant Commander Alenis Bennya," The Captain said quickly.
Aage smiled and held out his hand for a handshake. The Bajoran Chief Engineer took his hand and shook it. "Aage, that's a strange name for a human, I've never met a human named it," Bennya said.
"My mother didn't want me to forget my heritage even if my last name was Connors," Aage said.
"Ah," Bennya said nodding.
"Lieutenant Commander Alenis," An engineer called.
Bennya shrugged before running off to help the engineer that called for her. The Captain smiled slightly. "That was a happy surprise," She said.
"That's good," Aage said.
The Captain walked back to the turbolift. Aage followed her.
"The Bridge," The Captain said. The turbo lift started up to the bridge.
A smile was on the Captain's face. The ship felt living like the other ships she had served on or the other ships she had commanded.
The Captain stepped stepped onto the bridge. Her bridge crew saluted. The Captain notice her chief medical officer, Rothel Loures, standing at one corner of the bridge. He was a Betazoid. He had dark hair that he had cut short on one side, but the other side looked like it had grown out slightly more than the first side. He had dark eyes. His uniform had three bars on it, showing that he had the rank of a commander.
"Rothel," She said walking towards him. The medical officer turned to her.
"Brenda," He said smiling.
"Why aren't you in the infirmary?" She asked.
"I'm not going to sit in the infirmary when the ships about to take off for the first time," Rothel said.
The Captain smiled and shook her head. "It's good to see you again Rothel," She said.
"I feel the same way. How about a drink after the ship's all up and about?" Rothel asked.
The Captain laughed. "You're the same ol' Rothel," She said.
"I can't change too much or you might think I'm an imposter," Rothel said.
The Captain shook her head before walking to the captain's chair, her chair. She sat down on her chair. She somehow felt strong in the chair. She ran her fingers along the arm rests. Aage sat to the left of her.
"Lieutenant Commander Alenis to Captain Chang, the Excursion is ready to go."
The Captain stood up. She looked around the bridge. Her crew stood in attention. "I don't know if I need to make a speech or anything," She said. "I hope not since I don't have anything prepared." The Captain paused for a moment. "Actually, I have something to tell the whole crew. Someone put me on ship wide."
The Captain looked around. She smiled. "I don't know many of the people that will be serving this ship, but I want this entire crew, from the bridge crew to the engineering and everyone else, to know that I find it a great honor to serve with all of you. May this ship feel fortune's kind hand," The Captain said. She sat down in her seat.
Aage smiled at her. Rothel smiled at her. The bridge crew got to their positions. The shipyard let off the docking clamps at the Captain's order.
"Helmsman, take the ship to Warp 4," the Captain said, "and make sure the ship is on a course to Star Base 5."
The ensign at the helm moved his hands over the helm and prepared the ship to go to warp.
"Engage," The Captain said.
The USS Excursion leaped forward. The stars became streaks beside the Galaxy-Class Starship.
"It's almost poetic," Rothel said. "A Galaxy-Classed Starship named USS Excursion takes her maiden voyage at Warp 4 to the wondrous unknown."
The Captain smiled. "I think I will come to love this ship," She said quietly.
Aage turned to the Captain. "May this ship be your Skídblaðnir," He said.
The Captain looked at him surprised. Aage smiled at her and she smiled back.
Excursion moved beautifully through the folds of space. "We are approaching Star Base 5," The Helmsman said.
The Captain looked at the view screen. "Signal them and ask for permission to dock," she said, "then slow to half impulse."
"Yes, sir," The Helmsman said.
An ensign at the communications station called to the Captain. "The channel is open."
The Captain stood up. "This is Captain Brenda Chang of the USS Excursion," The Captain said. "We are asking permission to dock."
"Welcome Excursion, we've been expecting you. You have permission to dock."
"Thank you Star Base 5," The Captain said.
The Captain continued to stand. The ship moved in the most gentle way. It was like a cradle slowly rocking back and forth under a mother's gentle touch. She barely felt the ship dock on the Star Base.
"Incoming message from Star Base 5," The ensign at communications said.
"Put it on," The Captain said.
The view screen was taken up by the face of an aging human male. He was an Admiral. "Star Base 5 welcomes the USS Excursion and invites her senior staff to come aboard the base for a commemorative banquet in honor of her maiden voyage," He said.
"We accept," The Captain said bowing her head.
"We await your arrival," The man said. The screen cut off.
"Rothel, Commander Connors," The Captain said gesturing to them. She turned to the tactical officer, a young Vulcan male with two bars on his uniform. "Lieutenant..."
"S'Vonti," The Vulcan said.
"You three will accompany me to the Star Base," the Captain said, "as well as the Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Commander Alenis Bennya."
"Yes, sir," The three male officers said.
The Captain walked towards the turbolift. "Engineering," She said as her officers entered the turbolift. The turbolift's doors closed and it started down the levels of starship. It stopped and the Captain stepped out of the turbolift onto the Engineering Deck.
"Lieutenant Commander Alenis," The Captain called out.
The Chief Engineer popped out from behind a bulkhead. "Captain?"
"The senior officers have been invited to Star Base 5," The Captain said.
"Oh, good, Reche," Bennya said turning towards a male Bolian. "Meet our Captain, Brenda Chang."
The Bolian smiled. "Nice to meet you, captain," He said. "I'm the Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Reche Jek." Reche was of medium stature, and blue as all his people were. He had a happy face, not quite as round as many of the other Bolians the Captain had met.
"Oh, you are part of the senior staff as well," The Captain said. "You'll come with us then."
"Yes, sir," Reche said.
The Captain headed towards the turbolift. Her senior officers got in with her. It was a tight fit. "Deck 6," The Captain said.
Once the turbolift stopped on deck 6 the Captain and the senior staff filed off. They walked towards Transporter Room 1. They reached the Transporter Room and got on the Transporter Pad.
The Transporter Chief stood behind his station.
"Coordinates locked in, sir," The Transporter Chief said.
"Energize," The Captain said.
The Captain, Bennya, Aage, S'Vonti, Rothel, and Reche were taken apart and materialized on another Transporter Pad. They were now on Star Base 5. The man from the view screen greeted them.
"Ah, Captain," He said. "I am Admiral Micah Torrance."
"It's an honor to meet you Admiral," The Captain said bowing her head as she stepped off the Transporter Pad.
"How do you like the Excursion?" Admiral Torrance asked.
"It is a good ship," The Captain said. Admiral Torrance smiled and nodded.
"This is my Senior Staff," The Captain said. "My Second-in-Command Commander Aage Connors, my Chief Engineer Lieutenant Commander Alenis Bennya, my Chief Medical Officer Commander Rothel Loures, my Chief Tactical and Security Officer Lieutenant S'Vonti, and my Chief Science Officer Lieutenant Reche Jek."
Admiral Torrance nodded at them all. He had a very impressed look on his face. He looked at the Captain. "This is a very fine crew," He said.
"Thank you, sir," The Captain said.
A Vulcan woman walked into the room. She had a science officer uniform on. "Oh, Lieutenant Commander Trela'dae, would you show these people around our station," Admiral Torrance asked.
"Yes, sir," Trela'dae said.
The Senior Staff stepped off the Transporter Pad. Trela'dae walked out of the Transporter Room and headed down the Space Station's corridors. The crew of the Excursion followed her. They passed a window that had a view of the Excursion. The Captain stopped to admire the size and beauty of her ship. Rothel stopped with her.
"A Galaxy-Classed Starship has to be one of the most beautiful sites of the universe," Rothel said.
The Captain nodded. "It's strange to look at it and think of how I am the commanding officer of the USS Excursion," She said.
"I don't think any person deserves this command more than you," Rothel said.
The Captain laughed slightly. "I don't know if I deserve it, and I don't know if I'm ready for it," She said shaking her head slightly.
"I've known you for a long time," Rothel said. "You were not this nervous on your first assignment, don't be so nervous on this assignment."
The Captain looked at Rothel. She smiled lopsidedly. "I wasn't, but I can't help feeling nervous," She said. "I'm sure I am perfectly capable of commanding a Galaxy-Class Starship."
Rothel smiled. "Let's go catch up with the others," He said.
The Captain nodded. She and Rothel walked after the rest of the Excursion's senior staff. Trela'dae had stopped the group to wait up for the Captain and Rothel.
"I'm sorry, I saw the Excursion," The Captain said. "She's such a beautiful ship."
Trela'dae pursed her lips but did not question the Captain. They walked past a window that had a view of some sort of lab. Trela'dae looked into the window.
"This is the medical lab. Here we study different ways of cure specific diseases," Trela'dae said. "This lab has been very successful since its establishment. We've found possible cures to about one hundred thirty diseases, and have found cures to twenty-eight diseases."
The Captain looked over the lab. She was impressed. Reche looked at Trela'dae with a questioning look in his eyes.
"Do you only have labs for medical purposes or are there labs for different types of sciences?" Reche asked.
Trela'dae looked at Reche. "There are many labs in Star Base 5. This is just one of the many," She said. "There are labs devoted to many different aspects of science. I can show you only a few since many are restricted to everyone save a few specially selected scientists."
Reche nodded looking into the lab a large amount of interest. Rothel looked at the lab as if it were no big deal. Reche looked over at Rothel.
"Do you think we could set something like this up in the Excursion?" Reche asked.
Rothel thought for a moment. "Maybe not quite so large, but something similar," Rothel said.
Reche smiled. "Great," He said happily.
The Captain looked over at their Vulcan Tour Guide. Trela'dae was distracted by a small spacecraft that had flown towards the Star Base.
"Let's move on," Trela'dae said quickly looking over at the senior officers of the Excursion.
The Captain's brow furrowed. Trela'dae walked faster as if she wanted to get the tour over faster. Her speech was slight sped up and her explanations were shorter, but she did finish showing them around the Star Base. They finished at the Mess Hall. It had been decorated to commemorate the USS Excursion. A number of high-ranking officers were in the room. The Admiral Micah Torrance greeted the Captain.
"There are some people here I'd like you to meet," He said.
Trela'dae stood at the door for a little while. Admiral Torrance looked at her. "You're dismissed Lieutenant Commander," He said.
"Thank you, sir," Trela'dae said leaving the room.
The Captain watched Trela'dae leave. "Why was she so anxious to leave?" She asked.
"Her husband just arrived in," Admiral Torrance said. "She doesn't see him very often so whenever he comes in she and he spend time together."
The Captain made a thoughtful look. "I never knew Vulcans acted that way," She said.
"I've only seen Trela'dae act in such a manner," Admiral Torrance said. "Of course she is a special case. She grew up around mostly humans, and from what I know about her husband he has a very dangerous job."
The Captain nodded thoughtfully. Admiral Torrance smiled and put his hand on her shoulder. "Well, let's go meet some of the guests," He said.
The Captain walked with him towards a group of men and women in dress uniforms. The Captain felt very strange being in her normal uniform and not a dress uniform.
Admiral Torrance was smiling very widely. The Captain kept glancing down at her uniform.
"Captain Chang, I'd like you to meet Admiral McCain," Admiral Torrance said.
Admiral McCain, a tall man with thick blond hair cut short and pushed back, held his hand out for a handshake. The Captain held her hand out and shook his hand.
"It's an honor to meet you," The Captain said.
"So, you've gotten command of a Galaxy-Classed vessel," Admiral McCain said.
"Yes sir," The Captain said politely.
"How does it feel?" He asked.
"The Excursion is an amazing ship," The Captain said.
Admiral McCain smiled and laughed. Admiral Torrance put his hand on her shoulder and pointed her towards another Admiral. Her senior staff had started to speak with the guests. There were ambassadors and diplomats and officers of many ships. The Captain found herself talking with people she had dreamed of meeting ever since she had joined Starfleet. She felt quite boring talking to them. There wasn't anything interesting that she could say. These people were some of the greatest minds of Starfleet and she... Well she was just a regular captain that had been given command of a great Starship.
The Captain found herself in a conversation between two great scientists. They spoke of scientific things she only vaguely understand. Rothel walked up to her rescue. He handed her a glass of some drink. The Captain looked at him with a relieved look. Rothel began to talk with the scientists. The Captain sipped the drink quietly. She looked for a polite escape from the conversation.
Aage walked up to the Captain. "There's someone you have to meet," He said.
The Captain looked over at the two scientists and Rothel. "Will you excuse me?" She asked.
Rothel smiled and the two scientists nodded. The Captain walked off with Aage. "Thank you, Commander," She said.
Aage smiled. "Don't worry, you'll have more in common with the man I'd like you to meet," He said.
The Captain raised an eyebrow. Aage looked very proud of himself. He walked her towards another captain. The Captain's eyes widened as she recognized the other captain as Jean-Luc Picard, the Captain of the USS Enterprise-D.
"Captain Picard, this is my captain, Captain Brenda Chang," Aage said.
The Captain still hadn't gotten over the shock of meeting such a decorated captain. The Captain somehow managed to say something about how much of an honor it was to meet Captain Picard.
"Commander Connors speaks very highly of you," Captain Picard said.
The Captain looked over at Aage surprised.
"I requested working with you," Aage said as a kind of explanation. "I was offered a command, but I didn't think I was ready for command so I requested a first officer's position with you."
The Captain smiled at him. "I think that is the most flattering thing I've heard in awhile," She said.
Aage smiled at her, proudly. The Captain looked at Captain Picard. "What was it like when you took command of the USS Enterprise?" She asked.
Captain Picard thought for a little while. "Are you nervous about taking command of the Excursion?" He asked.
The Captain nodded. "It isn't like anything I've commanded before. It's a Galaxy-Classed ship. They're the flagships of the Federation. They usually are commanded by officers with more experience than me," She said.
"From what I know, you have plenty of experience in the chair," Captain Picard said.
"But never with so many people on board. I'm not just in charge of people under my command, I'm also in charge of their families," The Captain said with some distress.
Captain Picard nodded slightly. "That's just why you're ready to captain the Excursion," He said. "You aren't just worried about your crew, you're worried for everyone onboard."
The Captain looked at Captain Picard with some confusion. Aage smiled at the Captain.
"I don't understand exactly, but I am going to try to live up to the Excursion," The Captain said.
Captain Picard nodded. Admiral Torrance walked up behind the Captain. "I see you've met Captain Picard," He said.
The Captain turned towards Admiral Torrance. "Oh, uh, yes," She said.
Admiral Torrance smiled at her. "This is your first officer isn't it?" He asked.
The Captain turned towards Aage. "Oh, yeah," She said, "Commander Connors."
"Didn't you get a chance to command the uh, what was it? The Crockett?" Admiral Torrance asked.
"No, the USS Boone," Aage said smiling.
"Why didn't you take the command?" Admiral Torrance asked.
"I am not ready for a command position. I think I will better serve Starfleet as a first officer," Aage said.
"You'll never go anywhere with an attitude like that," Admiral Torrance said slapping Aage's shoulder.
Aage smiled in a pained way. It wasn't because of the shoulder slap. Something about what Admiral Torrance had said seemed to hurt him. The Captain saw his look.
"Oh, but if he hadn't been my first officer then I would not have known what to do," The Captain said. "He really helped with my uneasiness. Besides, stalling a command won't hurt such a bright, young officer like Commander Connors."
Aage smiled at the Captain. Admiral Torrance shrugged and closed his eyes in resignation. "You are right Captain Chang, sometimes it is best to wait for something as important as a command," Admiral Torrance said.
The Captain noticed Rothel making his way towards the small group. She couldn't help but smile slightly. Aage noticed Rothel coming and looked over at his Captain. He noticed her look.
"Brenda," Rothel said as he walked up, "I just had the most wonderful conversation with those two Benzites scientists. Did you know that they are working on a way to contain warp core breaches?"
The Captain smiled. "I didn't," she said, "but it sounds like you had a marvelous time."
Rothel smiled. "I did," He said. "They both were quite brilliant."
"Oh, Captain Picard, this is my chief medical officer Commander Rothel Loures. He's a very old and dear friend," The Captain said.
Rothel bowed to Captain Picard. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," Rothel said.
Petty chitchat was uttered. It was the type of chitchat that was said, but not quite listened to. The Captain at one point lost interest in the conversations. She talked and she said things, but she wouldn't have honestly been able to tell anyone what she had said. The event felt almost forced to her. People seemed like they were leaving for other commitments. She longed for the safety of a ship under her command. She wished for the freedom of space. Rothel noticed her distraction.
The Captain found herself staring out at the Excursion again. Something about the starship was comforting. Maybe it was just the thought of it being under her command. Rothel walked up beside her. "Commander Connors is a talkative young officer," He said.
The Captain turned and looked at Aage laughing and talking with a group of people. "He's a friendly young man," The Captain said. "That'll help him in the future."
"You've never been good at polite chitchat, have you Brenda?" Rothel asked.
"You already know the answer to that," The Captain said quietly. Her voice was tired.
Rothel smiled slightly. "Of course I do," He said. "I always know."
The Captain turned to him and shook her head. "I wish you weren't a Betazoid," She said.
"Sometimes I wish I weren't a Betazoid," Rothel said smiling at her.
The Captain shot him a dirty look. Rothel frowned slightly. "I don't need to read you mind to know you just thought something terrible," He said.
The Captain looked back towards the Excursion. "I'm glad you're with me," She said.
"I wouldn't leave you on such an important assignment," Rothel said. "I requested this assignment."
The Captain nodded. "I thought it was something like that," She said.
Rothel smiled. "I have to protect you," He said. "I can't have you getting hurt."
The Captain smiled at him. "You've been protecting me since that away mission," She said. "How long ago was it?"
"Fifteen years, I think," Rothel said.
"I was fresh out of the academy," The Captain said.
Rothel smiled. "You were adorable back then," He said.
The Captain looked out the window again. "I was just a kid," She said. "So young and eager."
"And reckless," Rothel said. "You nearly got killed three times on that mission."
"I had everything under control until I was shot," The Captain said smiling slightly.
"Commander Domingo shouldn't have given you command of that mission," Rothel said. "You almost got us all get killed."
"I will agree with you on that," The Captain said looking out at the Excursion again. "He had too much confidence in me..."
Rothel looked at her. Her dark hair was the same as it had been that day, in a bun on the top of her head. Her eyes were different, they were more certain now. She knew what she was doing now. She had the confidence she needed now, the confidence she needed to be a great captain.
Hours past and the Captain and her senior staff continued to talk with the other guests. At one point there were very few people left in the room. Admiral Torrance walked back towards the Captain. He was smiling very widely. "I think this party is pretty much over," Admiral Torrance said.
"Is it?" The Captain said.
"I hope you had a good time," Admiral Torrance said.
"I did," The Captain said. "This makes me feel very hopeful for our mission."
Admiral Torrance smiled. He had a nostalgic look in his eyes. "Oh, I miss the old days when I could explore space like you and your crew are about to do," He said.
The Captain glanced out the window at the Excursion. "There really isn't anything like exploring the galaxy," She said.
"I envy you, Captain," Admiral Torrance said. "I would do anything to go back to exploring."
"Why can't you?" The Captain asked.
"My age and my health," Admiral Torrance said with some regret in his voice. "Even if I can't admit it, I am an old man."
The Captain looked at Admiral Torrance with some pity. She saw him for what he really was, a small, aging man with few dreams of his own left. She was suddenly hit by a wave of sadness. This man had once been just like her. A captain of some starship. He had once been a great man with hopes and dreams and goals to strive for. Now he was an old man worried about his failing health.
"I'm sorry," Admiral Torrance said suddenly. "I shouldn't have said that."
"No, Admiral," The Captain said. "There was nothing wrong with what you said. I was just thinking..."
"Oh?" Admiral Torrance said.
"Do you have children?" The Captain asked.
"No, I never thought I had time," Admiral Torrance said. "I never even got married."
The Captain was silent for some time. She was trying to decide how to word what she wanted to say. She felt bad for Admiral Torrance. He didn't have anyone anymore.
"My father died when I was young," The Captain said. "I grew up on a Starship with my mother. I've never known anything but Starfleet. I've never wished it any other way. I love Starfleet."
Admiral Torrance smiled at her.
"Sir, I'd like you to consider me a daughter," The Captain said.
Admiral Torrance looked at her surprised. "What do you mean?" He asked.
"I want to keep in contact with you. I'll send you messages whenever I can," The Captain said. "I'll visit you whenever I can."
Admiral Torrance smiled. "We could go on fishing trips," He said.
"I like fishing," The Captain said.
Admiral Torrance laughed. "You, Captain, have yourself a deal," He said.
"Brenda," The Captain said.
"Brenda," Admiral Torrance repeated.
The Captain smiled. "Thank you, Admiral," She said.
"I guess if I am to call you Brenda then you should call me Micah or Dad," Admiral Torrance said.
"Alright," The Captain said.
Admiral Torrance and the Captain talked with each other for some time. They told each other many things about their lives. They became close over a short period of time.
The party was soon over. Admiral Torrance and the Captain realized it was time for them to say goodbye. There was something terribly sad about this to the Captain. She had become quite fond of the aging admiral.
The Captain and her senior staff headed towards the transporter room. Admiral Torrance walked with them. The senior staff got on the transporter pad. "I'll send you message as soon as I can," The Captain said.
Admiral Torrance smiled. "I can't wait," He said.
"Goodbye," The Captain said.
Admiral Torrance smiled just a little wider. "Energize," He said.
The Captain and her senior staff were materialized on one of the Excursion's transporter pad. The Captain walked towards the bridge. She, along with Reche, S'Vonti, Aage, and Rothel, took the turbolift to the bridge. Bennya walked towards another turbolift to go to engineering.
The Captain stepped onto the bridge.
"Captain on the Bridge!"
The Captain looked around at her crew. "Helmsman, set our course heading to 379 Mark 091 at Warp Factor 6," The Captain said.
"Yes, sir," The helmsman said.
The Excursion shot forward. The Captain smiled as she stared out at the view screen. She knew that she would come to love this ship.

(Okay, so Admiral Micah Torrance's name comes from Marshal Micah Torrance from The Rifleman and Admiral McCain's name comes from Lucas (or Mark, I suppose...) McCain from The Rifleman. The Crockett-Boone name mess up comes from the fact that the guy who played Daniel Boone also played Davy Crockett. [My mom actually made that mistake before.] Basically all Starbases and headings were just random things I typed in. Also, Trela'dae is originally from my DS9/U.N.C.L.E. crossover. Yes, she's S'Truton's wife. That's all I can think of right now...)

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