Intoduction ^_^

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Big Mistake, that is how I called what I did. What I've done.

My Mistake of not telling my own feelings to him/her.

My Mistake of letting him/her go.

My Mistake of giving him/her all myself.

My Mistake of believing he/she can be mine soon.

My Mistake of keeping beside him/her even I know .. I was hurt

My BIG MISTAKE of LOVING HIM/HER even its obviously can't be.

Does this BIG MISTAKE can correct someday soon? Or it was a mistake still whatever happens? A mistake is a mistake.

Will their LOVE TO EACH OTHER can right and straight away this MISTAKE?



2nd fanfic ♡ I hope it will be successful too.

A/n: edited

[EXOSHIDAE] Big mistake- ft. YULHANWhere stories live. Discover now