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Conan stared himself down in the mirror attached to his bedroom door, inspecting his appearance. He didn't like the way his light blue button-up matched his eyes and made his long lashes stand out even more than they already did. He didn't like it one bit.

"Fucking hell," he muttered under his breath, struggling to take off the shirt as he furiously fumbled with the buttons in frustration.

"Watch your tone, young man!" his mother, Lillian, yelled from the kitchen. The smell of pancakes wafted through his nose and made his empty stomach rumble, but he was too nervous to eat anything. "Come eat breakfast while it's hot!"

"Hold on a second!" he shouted back. He avoided looking at his shirtless self in the mirror, throwing on a grey hoodie before analyzing his appearance once again.

He groaned in exasperation. Why did everything have to look so awful on him? He couldn't stand the way the fabric hung off of his petite frame and seemed to swallow him whole. Clothes from the men's section were too big on him but he refused the embarrassment of shopping in the boy's department instead. That would be humiliating.

"Hey," his twin brother, Duncan, called from outside his door. "Open up."

Conan hesitantly took a step back and opened the door to reveal his brother who towered over him. They weren't identical twins, but the pair had matching dark brown hair and pale blue eyes. Duncan's face had sharp features whereas Conan's sported soft ones. The twin exuded an aura of dominance that Conan craved to possess.

A part of him hated Duncan for being able to have the one thing he desired most for in life without doing anything to earn it. Conan would've done anything to trade places with his brother.

"What is it?" Conan lowered his voice to a deeper tone. He always did whenever talking to the man before him.

Duncan scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and looked everywhere but Conan. "I came to check on you."

He rolled his eyes in response. "You came to check on me, or mom wanted you to?"

"Um... mom did," Duncan admitted sheepishly.

Conan scoffed under his breath, knowing better than to even think his twin would care about his well-being. Ever since Conan came out to the family, Duncan had been weird about it. He acted like a completely different person.

The kids in Texas had been cruel and did unspeakable things to the defenseless boy. It hurt inside that his own blood relative didn't stick up for him when he was bullied. Though Duncan never made any indication to show he cared.

After the bullying grew to be too much, their parents decided that moving to Massachusetts would be better for Conan. They wanted him to have a fresh start where he could be happy. It pissed Duncan off that he had to move his senior year of high school, losing all his friends and everything he had looked forward to for years.

Maybe it was a good thing for Conan, but for Duncan? It ruined everything.

Duncan narrowed his eyes. "Just hurry the hell up so we can get to school, 'kay? You're the reason we have to go at all." He stormed down the hall void of any picture frames or decorations since nobody had time to put them up yet. They had only moved into the new house a few days ago, right in time for school to start.

Duncan's temper was one of his seemingly endless faults. It was the most irritating and hard to put up with, next to his arrogance of course.

Conan grabbed his empty backpack and decided that his outfit didn't make any difference. He was going stealth at the new school. Looking like he spent no time on his looks would help him blend in with all the other boys anyway. It didn't matter. At least that's what he kept trying to reassure himself of.

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