The Healer

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"You're useless Teagan! An utter useless piece of shit! It should have been you!" A red hand mark appeared on my left cheek. I sit in silence on the dinning chair squeezing my eyes shut, holding in the pain and agony inside. A tiny drop of salt water falls from my eye as my pot head mother turns around to get her car keys from the kitchen bench. "It should have been you" i hear her whisper to herself, i could hear the sadness in her voice. I reach over and clean up my spilt milk using the tea towel that had been hung on the top of my chair. "Teagan! When the fuck are you going to learn, you are 17 years old for fuck sakes! You use a cloth not a tea towel!" I receive yet another slap but this time harder and on the back of my head. I reach over to the sink and writes out the wet cloth. "Leave it! You can clean it up after school! Get to school!"my mother screams at me once again. I put down the cloth and swing my school bag over my back whilst rushing to my car.

As I pull up into the school parking lot, my phone starts vibrating in the pocket of my grey school shorts, "hey babe, rumor has it, there is a new boy coming to school tomorrow. I hear he is hottie. Wanna do a girly night tonight? Do facials and stuff? xox -Em'

'Sorry Em, I still have that cold, I will be staying home again:(. but I will pop into school because I need to pick up a few books from my locker. x' I text back. I look at myself glumly in the revision mirror and touch up on my hair.

I stroll through the corridor of the school, trying to push myself through the crowded walkway. I feel a hand clench around my butt cheek and I swing around and push them, "What do you think are doing you frea-" I yell, "Oi babe it's just me, Em? Ha ha what's wrong?" I stopped, surprised on how I reacted, "Oh wow, sorry Em. Yeah I am fine I just didn't get enough sleep last night, stressing over the math exam" Emily looks at me confused. "Yeah, yeah of course. Well I better get to class. I'll text you" she says as she disappears into the group of crowded people.

I push past the people surrounding my locker, "excuse me, excuse me, excuse me," I say as I pass each person. I twist the combination in on my lock. "Geez must have left some food in there" I say to myself as I hold my nose with my fingers. I reach for my texts books and throw them into my bag whilst quickly closing my locker before anyone could smell the repulsive smell. I stroll through the corridor trying not to make eye contact with anyone. i plonk myself in my car and throw my bag in the backseat. I reversed the car and started the drive.

'Cher Cher Beach' I red out from the sign pointing to the deserted beach. I park the car, while throwing off my school shoes and running through the sand. The wind blows through my long brunette hair, making it dance. I twirl repetitively on the beach until I felt sick. I dumped myself in the sand heaving in deep deaths. I laid back, sweeping my hands in the small grands of sand. "I miss you Paul. I am sorry" i quietly whisper as I close my eyes and inhale the oceans breath.

I was woken up by a vibration in my back pocket. 6 missed calls by Mia, my mum. I walk up to my car and slide into my sneakers whilst brushing the sand off my butt.

I pull up in the driveway of my house,still getting the little bits of sand out of my hair. I stroll to the door and take a few deep breathes to prepare myself for what my mum was going to do to me for being late. The front door swings open "Teagan Jade! What the fuck do you think you are doing! It's 8pm! I had to cancel a night out with my friends because you weren't here to look after Lucy!" I receive yet another slap on my cheek making me fall to the ground. "I was just picking up a few books from Em's! I'm sorry you couldn't go out with your druggy friends but what if I am sick of looking after Lucy! You're her mother, you should be looking after her! What happened to family first, huh?" I scream back at her, pulling myself of the ground. The moment I said that I regretted it. She looked at me, puffed up with her fists clenched, "Well I don't know if you noticed lately but most of this family has left or died! You teared this family apart and I am going to make you pay for the rest of your life! You selfish bitch!" Her clenched fist pounds against my mouth.

I look at her, discussed. I throw my bag on the bench and drag myself up the stairs not making a noise. "Teagan, why do you and mummy keep fighting?" I look up and see my 5 year old sister, Lily hiding behind her door, "I was just being rude, Lily" she looks at me confused, "Teagan, why is your lip bleeding?" I swipe my fingers over my lip and notice the red liquid. "I tripped over at school. Hey lil, how about you go hop in my bed and I will come lay down with you once I have cleaned up my lip, okay?" Lilly smiles at me and waddles over to my bedroom with her special blanket in one hand, getting dragged behind.

The cold water falls against my face. I stare at myself in the reflection of the mirror, one flaming red cheek and a busted lip. I close my eyes hoping them when they open everything will be back to normal, like the accident never happened, and everything was fine, but its never like that is it.

I crawled into my bed with little Lilly and I wrap my arms around her, like how Mikey use to do to me. We both doze off into a deep sleep.

The sun shone through the curtains of my room. Two small fists pound against my bed "Get up! Get up! C'mon Teagan get up! You are gonna be late for school again" it was Lilly. I rub my eyes and yawn, while slowing rolling out of bed. "Teagan, can you do my hair today?" She looks at me with puppy eyes, "Yeah sure Lil" I smile as I push her along to the bathroom. I looks at her through the mirror, "so how do you want your hair today? A braid?" She looks at me with a big smile across her face, "braid it is" I say as I separate the hair into three parts.

"All done!" I smile as I finish tying up her hair. "Thank you!" She says as she runs down stairs to finish getting ready. I lean on the bench of the bathroom to get a better look at my busted lip, "shit" I mutter to myself as I rub my finger over it. I strip naked and turn the tap on hot. I dip my foot in to test the temperature, perfect. I let the hot water run down my body. I rub my shampoo and conditioner in my hair and rub my cream all over my body. I wrap the towel around myself and curl my hair up in another.

I looked in the mirror and splash luke warm water over my face and I applied my daily face cleanser. I washed it off with cold water, making my cheeks go bight red. I slowly apply my foundation to my face and add the powder on top. I rub the brush over my busted lip, making it go a pale color, then I applied my eyeliner and mascara and went back into my bedroom. I search through my bra and undies draw, looking for my matching set. "Shit! Where is it?" I look frantically through my draw. All I could find was my white bra and my blue undies. "Today's going to be a shit day."


Who do you think Mia, Teagan's mum is talking about when she says 'it should have been you'? And was Mia always like this?

Why is Teagan always skipping school when she's not even sick? What if her mum finds out..

Sorry it's so long. First time doing one of these so it's not the best! 

The next chapter will hopefully get more intense 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2012 ⏰

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