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Him standing so close to me was nerve wrecking. It was like electricity running through my body, wanting me to push me so I could stop the electric rush in my body. He smelt so good. I'm pretty sure it was an expensive perfume, but god what ever it was made his scent so good.

" You look a bit flushed, let's take a seat and speak" he commanded me. All of a sudden one of his hands is behind my waist leading me towards the couch. His touch on my body gave goosebumps  all over my body.

Damn it body! Stop that! Do not be affected!

After sitting me down, he sat down in the couch opposite to mine.

"Now Rosa. What is it you wanted to talk to me about?" He asked. Even though this was my apartment it felt like he was in charge. He was the dominant one in the room.

I gave him this suspicious look and looked at my lap again. The only thing i could think about i said it out loud.

"Who are you?"

With a small smile playing on his kissable lips, he shook his head, and  leaned into is chair and asked,

"I thought you remembered?"

"Please Tell me!" I looked at him desperately. "I really need to know if you knew me from before."

I think I was tearing as i thought about how confused I was.

"I keep having these dreams and vission of you.  I know your name is Damien, I remember you were there with me when I woke up 5 years ago. I'm soo confused. Everyone said my parents died some years ago before the accident but... but... I keep having these memories of you taking care of me. I dont know what to do, and at the club you seemed to know me very well-"

"I do know you" he cut me off. " what they told you in the hospital are lies. But I dont want to tell you this." He said very coldly.

"Why not?"

" because I want you to remember, you said your memories are coming back?"

"Yes but-"

" then in time you will remember" he said. Suddenly he got up and came in front of me. He bent down in a way where he was right in front of me and cupped my cheeks tightly. He then put his forehead on mine spoke as if he was tired.

" all i could tell you right now is I know you and I hope you remember fast because I miss you soo much"

I froze. The feeling of being close to home came. It was soo familiar.

"Once you do remember sweet Rose I will never let you go again. I will make everything right. I will keep you where you belong, close to me." He looked up at a distant, as if he was reliving something from the past and this look crossed his eyes, "I hope you get your memories back soon, after that things will go back to normal. I did something I will forever regret, and I don't think you will forgive me for this. I'm soo sorry Rose. I will make it up to you. I will do anything to get you to forgive me. I promise you..." he looked at me again, "...I will make everything right again"

I didnt know what to say to him. So i didnt say anything. I just stayed silent and enjoyed the sense of peace I felt.

After some time he finally let me go and rose to his full height. His cold face was back. His eyes held a bit of warmth.

" listen to me. You should stay away from the part of time you and your friend came to today. Even the club. Don't ask people about me either..if you want to know about me, ask me." He took a card out of his pocket and gave it to me. " if you want to contact me use this, do not ask anyone like you did today"

My eyes widened. I knew he was talking about the old man and boy. For some reason I had to make sure they were okay.

"Don't hurt them" I said quickly. Freezing as I did.

He gave me a cold look and tilted his head.

"They messed with my business" he said simply at first. I breathing got a bit harder. I knew it.

"Please they didn't tell us anything that much. They just warned us to stay away from that place and to not report to the police" I pleaded. I felt as if I needed to save them from him. It was just a feeling.

"Seems like they told you enough for you assume they are even danger and for you to beg for their lives." He said coldly.

"No No its nothing like that. I just felt like... you..." I froze..what can I say. He was right. They did tell me enough to scare me away from him and assume he was capable of anything, so i looked down hiding the tears and tried once more. "Please... I'll do anything. Truth be told I should be punished not them... they are good people "

The room was silent. I was praying he would agree and just leave so i can gather my thoughts.


The atmosphere got intense. "what they did is worse than you think. They might have ruined our relationship. That is third worst thing  anyone could do towards me. You dont have to do anything. I will not forgive them" his voice was firm and final.

Damn it.. what relationship was he talking about. I felt like i knew this relationship deep inside. But right now i was overwhelmed, lost for words and worried about those two innocent people to think further so i directed by thoughts to the natter in hand.

Damien started walking towards his coat. Shit i think he was planing on leaving. He was about to say something before I cut him off by saying.

"I'll forgive you!"

He paused. I paused. For a moment everyhing was silent.

Wait i can't even remember what he did so wrong for him to say he would do anything for me to forgive him... but this is all I got to save them.

He slowly turned around and looked at me sharply.

"You don't even remember what I did. I know this for a fact-"

"I know i don't remember... but i do remember some things. I do remember living with you, you pointing a gun when I was small at me. I was told that I had parents and they died and some bullshit, I know that's a lie because I remember being an orphan. So im pretty sure you were the one who told them to lie to me about that whole story." I gave him a pointed look.

Okay, what I was doing was extremely stupid. I was just guessing all of this from the little bit of dreams I have been having about him. It's just a few pieces of the the puzzle but i was working with what I got.

He looked at me silently. With the same cold monotonous voice he replied, "Im happy you are starting to remember, a bit sad that you only remember and assumed the worst. But i guess you have the right to. " he looked down looking tired and frustrates now.

" im sorry for those once again, you forgave me for that long time ago.But this is not why im asking for forgiveness now, when you remember the whole thing you will surely get angry with me."

"I promise I won't. When I remember I'll forgive me for what ever it is if you let these two go. Please Damien. " I pleaded with my eyes.

He looked at me again. He had this intense look in his eyes.

"Fine. I'll take what ever i can get. I'll let them go. But once you gain your memories and if you wish to not forgive me then what ever they go through will be on you"

With that he grabbed his coat and left the apartment without another word. Leaving me confused that I ever was.

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