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Act I


Scene I

(this is a place named the trench, a camp spot with damaged world war two tents that consist of pong tables and blood stains. Rice dries out in a pot over the little radiance left in a dying fire. The ground is covered with trash: food, beer cans, chopsticks, plastic forks.  There are multiple different forms of paraphernelia and two young women attempting to kill each other.)

Desiree: (has overpowered Mary Jane and is suffocating her, relieving her lungs of density.)

Mary Jane: (seizes in fright and swings her body around trying to push Desiree off of her. As the loss of oxygen affects her mind she places herself in a meditative state. Psychokinetically Mary Jane acts on her desire for a weapon, a chopstick on the trench floor adheres to her hand as if it were magnetic. With the chopstick she imbues Desiree's nostril.)

Desiree: Awl! You bitch! (grabs her face in pain while blood slips in between her fingers, she falls back on her ass..)

Mary Jane: (kicks Desiree in her chest and mounts her body. She pulls the chopstick out of Desiree's nose and attempts to stab her only eye.)

Desiree: (screams. With great fortitude she pops her hips up and rolls back on top of Mary Jane and attempts to bite her eyes out..)

Mary Jane: (plants her palm upon Desiree's four head, her face is in range of Desiree's chin so she bites into it like a sour apple.)

Desiree: (rolls from on top of Mary Jane and rises to her feet; she sprints towards an axe on the floor..)

Mary Jane: (exerts kinetic energy whilst swinging her arms in Desiree's direction this action causes an omnious noise that sounds like amplified feedback or static. As an effect of using her power Mary Jane begins to pulsate, her eyes bleed.)

Desiree: (is projected by the immense force landing her on the floor. Desiree rises to her feet with haste only to find Mary Jane on the floor, immobile.) You can't even use your power right, it debilitates you, you'll bleed to death. (Desiree telekinetically lassoes around Mary Jane's body and begins dragging her aggressively across the ground with the imaginary rope. Subsequently the axe glides to Desiree's hand and then she axe's Mary Jane's shin in half.)

Mary Jane: (cries in agony.)

Desiree: How are you going to kill me if you can't walk bitch? (laughs hysterically.)

Mary Jane: (lies on the floor bleeding from her nose and mouth, tears of blood drop to the floor, her body is useless.)

Desiree: Do you see the expressions on my face? Do you hear my laughter? Enjoy it, because the last thing you will witness before you die is my ebullience as I am going to smash your face until its nothing but sludge and bone fragments. (mounts Mary Jane once again, this time she grabs a massive stone from the ground. She raises the rock to bludgeon Mary Jane.)


Scene II

(The pleasant vibrations of Cream - Strange Brew echo throughout a one story house.)

Mary Jane: (is alone in a restroom applying makeup onto her face though not with her hands, it is as if multiple invisible beauticians are catering to her needs. She places both of her hands flat on the counter as if she received a manicure. A flat iron gently straightens her hair, her eyes are defined by the shadowy perimeter.)

Liam/Milam: (travel along the rail road tracks.)

Leon: (cracks an egg and fries it in bacon grease.)

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