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I remember when it all started, at first it wasn't so bad, it happened a few times a week and it was only a punch or two.

But then it got worse, much worse, he started doing it more often, and harder.

Now I get abused everyday, morning and night, sometimes I'm lucky if he's gone out for a drink -he doesn't usually make it to my room before passing out.

He says all kinds of mean things to me. He does mean things to me, I can't do anything about it.

I'm stuck in a life of repetitive abuse, and there's no way out.

My name is Miya, I'm 14 and I hate l̶i̶f̶e̶ my dad.

Although, maybe I do hate life, I mean there are good things in life like music, music is a huge part of my pathetic life, Colbie Caillat saved me, well, her music did. I love her so much, I have a slight obsession with her and that's an understatement. But in my life there are more bad things than good. My mother left us when I was 11 and soon after that I started getting abused by what you would call my father. My father abuses me and enjoys it, no matter how much I beg him he won't stop, he will never stop. 

Maybe one day he will take it too far

Maybe one day he will hit me just a little too hard

Maybe one day he will be staring at my cold, limp, lifeless body and realize what he has done

Maybe one day he will love me again.

It Stops Today - A Colbie Caillat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now