3: Kirby's Got a Cru-ush

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Kirby's POV (*readers gasp* I know. Amazing, right?)

I sighed and flopped onto my bed as Angelina's parents drove away from my house. I picked up the picture I was sketching while Angelina was on the phone. I sighed, again. It was a girl with black hair and blue eyes who was drinking coffee. (A/N Picture in media, as per usual) It was exactly Angelina in every way, right down to her drink. She was the only girl my age I knew who drank coffee, let alone loved it.

What was wrong with me? Of course I noticed girls. I've been noticing them for a few years now, but it's not like I've had any feelings towards any, before. So, what's going on with me now?

There was only one thing to do.

I groaned as I forced myself off of my bed. I grabbed my phone off of my bed stand and called the one number on my contacts that I never use.

"Who the heck is this? I will get a restraining order and you will get sued." The familiar voice answered. "I don't think that's how it works..." I replied, slightly frightened by the girl. "Kirby?" The girl was obviously confused, as I never call her. I sighed. "Yes Karma."

Karma was Angelina's best friend, as well as the only girl who I could call about girls who wasn't Angelina and was in my contacts. She could threaten to kill you, but was still really nice - according to Angelina anyways. Though, she still scared the crap out of me.

"Why the heck are you calling me? You never call me. How do you even have my number?" Karma kept shooting questions at me. "Angelina." I answered both questions with that one name.

"Yeah, okay. Why did you call me?" She asked. "Angelina." I repeated. "Okay, what about Angelina?" I sighed for the umpteenth time that night.

"I'm not sure if I like her or not." I answered her. She stayed silent, so I continued. "I'm not exactly sure what its like, to have a crush on someone, let alone one of my best friends." I could hear the sound of her opening her mouth to say something. Karma paused.

"Well, have you ever tried Google, other than the girl-you -might-have-a-crush-on's best friend?" I stuttered for a few seconds. I was obviously stupid to tell her. She was going to tell Angelina for sure!

"Please don't tell Angelina!" I begged. "So, you do have a crush on her?" She urged me to figure out. "I don't know!" I said, exasperated.

She was silent for a couple seconds and I heard typing in the background. "Okay, so I Googled up some stuff. Do you think about her a lot?" I paused for a moment, not sure if I should tell her about the drawings. Would she tell Angelina? What if she did and Angelina was creeped out? Well, of course she would be creeped out! Then she would never speak to me again. But, if I was going to get any clues if I had a crush or not, I may as well take that risk.

"Yeah. I mean, I've kind of - well, uh - drawn her a few times?" I asked rather than answered because I was afraid of Karma's reaction. "Okay, that would be normal behavior for a crush, I guess. It would definitely be a normal reaction to a crush for you, anyways."

"Lights up when he sees her, seems to want to start a conversation every time she's in a 2 foot radius, no." She muttered as she answered the questions on the site in her opinion. "So, how do you feel when you see she's talking with another boy without you?" I thought back to earlier when she and Fish were joking around. I could remember feeling this barely noticeable burning feeling in my stomach. "I feel this small burning feeling in my stomach." I answered. "So jealousy?" She asked. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Uh - well Google says you do... so yeah. I won't tell her, don't worry." She said. Well that answers that. "Thanks, Karma. See you tomorrow."

"Bye, Kirby. Good luck with your crush and stuff." She hung up. I hung up as well and threw my phone onto my pillow. I flung myself onto the bed again and fell into a deep sleep, all while thinking about Angelina.

Is that creepy? Meh, whatever.

A/N OMG KIRBY'S POV! (fangirls scream) I know, I know, I'm amazing. Haha, JK. ;p But, hoped you guys liked this update. I'm so sorry it's short, but the next chapter will for sure be way longer... hopefully... :/ But I wanted Kirby's POV to be just his thoughts in one chapter... plus I couldn't think of anything to write yet for anything else... Also, the new character was introduced *happy dance*. The person who made the story is one of my very good friends, in real life an on this web site, Winkatt. Anyways, I will update again this week (as well as my other stories), Boxing Day at the latest, so be ready! :)

Also, the website I used for the questions Karma asked was WikiHow. Here's the URL for the page I was using: http://www.wikihow.com/Know-if-You-Like-a-Girl

Love you guys so much for the support and staying with me after this way-too-long hiatus thing... :)


and if I don't update before Chrismas,


and since I want to include everyone that had a celebration in the month of December, HAPPY RAMADAN (Muslim), EID AL-FITR (Muslim), SAINT NICHOLAS DAY (Christian), EID'UL-ADHA (Muslim), FIESTA OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE (Mexican), ST. LUCIA DAY (Swedish), HANUKKAH (Jewish), THREE KINGS DAY/EPIPHANY (Christian), KWANZAA (African American), OMISOKA (Japanese), YULE (Pagan) and SATURNALIA (Pagan)!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: I found all of these at this website:


Also, if I offended you in anyway, I am deeply sorry and would never mean to offend you.

Happy Holidays Everyone,

Love <3, stizzzy :).

The Only Girl (Kirby Buckets Fanfic.) [CONTINUED ON @CreepySwag 'S PROFILE]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن