Family Picnic

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Hermione sighed as she sat on her bedroom window seat while looking out of her window at her big and crazy family. She loved her family, she really did and she appreciated everything that they did for her. But sometimes they were a bit overbearing. Especially when it came to her love life. They wanted her to have a perfect guy so that she can settle down and start a family.

Apparently being 25 was to old to still be looking for a boyfriend. And it's not like she doesn't have a boyfriend. She and Ron had been dating since the war ended. Of course they were on and off half the time but they still loved each other. But her family hated him and she could see why.

He never showed any respect to her parents and had no manners at all. Most of the fights they had was because he was rude to her family. She hated when he made inappropriate comment in front of them and he always bails on her whenever she asked him to come to her family outings.

But this was the worse one yet. She had been waiting for over an hour and he still hasn't arrived. Normally he sends a letter telling her he couldn't make it but this time he didn't and she is angry beyond belief. She decided that she's going to break up with him once and for all.

She picked up her two way mirror after closing the door.

"Harry Potter." She said clearly and waited.

After a while his face appeared and he smiled at her before his smiled faded when he saw the tears on her face.

"Oh Mia. He bailed didn't he." Harry said and she nodded while a few more tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I'm going to kill that bastard." He growled and she hiccuped.

Ron and Harry hadn't been the same since after the war. Ron became super jealous as Harry was practically worshipped by the Wizarding world. It didn't help that Harry had become an Auror and became super hot because of the training. He had gotten muscles but had still maintained his lean built. His hair became a wild after sex look and his face became more defined. His lips were a plump pale pink and his eyes were a soft emerald green colour. He had an eight pack and became more charming with his sauve moves and boyish grin. He was every woman's wet dream and was known for his heroic fight in the battle, his kind heart and his devilishly handsome looks.

It made Ron envy him so much and they constantly got into fights. But the one fight that broke their friendship was the fight that happened after it became known that Harry owned hotels and orphanages around the world which made him insanely rich. The fight after that had been huge and they refused to be in the same room as each other. They had even fought because Ron thought that Harry wanted her and was trying to steal her. Harry had given him a blue eye and split lip after that.

Harry had also never met her parents because of Ron. Whenever he did want to see her parents he would always throw a tantrum. He also didn't see her a lot anymore. But he had sent her the mirror for her birthday so they could talk more and she missed him a lot. He was also the only one who could calm her down when she was upset and he knew that. He always made time for her and was always there for her when she needed cheering up.

"No I don't want to lose you to Azkaban." Hermione said while wiping her eyes.

"It will be worth it." He said.

"No it doesn't matter anyway. He's not worth it." She said and sniffled.

"Okay that's it. I'm coming over and I'll bring all your favorite comfort foods to cheer you up." Harry said and she could see that he was standing up.

"No that's fine. My family is here and I don't want you to feel overwhelmed by them." She said.

"Nope I'm coming over. Besides I always wanted to meet you family." Harry said and she giggled as he wiggled his eyebrows.

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