Loneliness at its Loneliest

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Hello World

This is my first ever attempt at a story I wanted to write being published in some way shape form or fashion. Lord knows I have a ton of them in my head, but I wanted to try my hand at submitting something to the public realm. This is a light and fluffy gay romance story about shifters. If you don't like gay men, first of all why are you reading this anyway, and second of all we're here to stay. Yes, I'm gay too, just like the majority of my OC's! We make life so much better for all the straight people, and we're just so cute together, aren't we?! Nyway, again this is my first ever attempt at something like this, so any and all comments, criticisms, fangirling is appreciated. I hope you enjoy!

P.S. For anyone who cares to know, yes this is fluffy, but it's edgy fluff. I'm simply writing what comes to me, and that includes anything and everything that pops into a hormonal teenage boy's mind. There may be some eventual "sleeping" going on, but only if I feel like it. Either way, I'll warn everyone ahead of time if there's any serious smut, but anything less than explicit sex scenes is fair game. I can be quite blunt in my writing, I've been told, and I use cuss words sometimes. That's just the way I write. Also, this story will be going back and forth between multiple POV's and I'll try to indicate that as obviously as possible. Lord knows we've all read those stories that don't tell you when they switch POV, and you just can't help but get super confused. Nyway, enjoy!!!

P.P.S. In case your wondering, Alek's full name is pronounced as such: Alexander Yaiygahs Raynahs. But, you know, because he's an OC, I had to come up with a super fancy schmancy spelling! Nyway...



Chapter One

Alek's POV

I, Alek-Zander Llygos Reinas, am the definition of lonely. I have zero friends, zero parents, no significant other, no nothing. Ever since I can remember, no one has ever approached me and attempted to make friends with me. What do they expect, for me to approach others myself? No no no, I'm way too shy. Better to never have any friends than to put myself out there, right? Everyone else can be friends with each other, and I'll just be me. Seriously though, it's like everyone knows everyone else around here, which would seem impossible in a high school of about a thousand people, but you know. Logic. Never seen it in real life. It was demonstrated to me when I was little, by my mom, though. You know, the whole "The pan is hot and will burn you, therefore you don't touch the pan" kind of thing?

Speaking of my parents, I haven't seen them, not once, since I was ten. Ten! My dad was never around, ever. As far as I know my mother only saw my father once: on the night he got her pregnant. After that, she gave birth to me, and raised me till I was ten. She never seemed to have any friends, either, and wasn't exactly the most encouraging person in the world. But I loved her anyway, because she raised me and took care of me. She did the best she could with what she had, and I will never blame her for that. But then, when I was ten years old, she died of cancer. No warning, no goodbye, no funeral, no nothing.

Even back when she was alive, no one wanted anything to do with me. I had to start living on my own, and I thought it was completely normal! A bird eventually has to leave the nest and go build it's own, right? I never questioned it, and never had reason to. No friends, remember? I had nothing, absolutely nothing, to base my life experiences off of. After that, there was always food in the pantry, and the bills were always paid (at least, the water and electricity never got turned off), but my mom;s bed always stayed perfectly pristine, and I never saw her again. I just learned to fend for myself. You would think that CPS would have intervened, but no one around me cared enough to call them for me, and I valued my independence too much to call them myself.

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