What day is it?

562 20 11

I woke up with the biggest migraine ever, I literally felt like someone was getting a hammer and hitting it against my head. urgh, I just simply couldn't think straight.


It was mine and Asif's last year in school, so we were in year 11. Who is Asif you maybe asking, well Asif is my twin brother he's also my best friend too. I can't even imagine how life would be without my baby brother.

People in school and our parents can't handle our weird behavior but what can we do, that's how we roll! We both recently turned 16 3 months ago which was on October the 28th.


*Knock, knock*

I heard some shuffling by my door and some rough knocks.

"Who is it, is that you Asif?" I waited for a response but there was none so I got out of bed and strolled to open the door.

Oh what do you know it was Asif.

I facepalmed myself mentally trying to strangle him for getting me out of bed, don't get me wrong I love him but that boy can be one annoying rat!

"What is wrong with you? Why couldn't ya just respond when I asked who it was stupid?" he looked at me in a hurt expression.

"Er I'm not the stupid one here" he was smirking, why is he smirking?

I realised that he was wearing those familiar Grey and Yellow stripey tie with the black pants and blazer.

Oh Allah!
Oh my!


Please say Saturday, please say Saturday!

"It's Friday, now whose the stupid one?" I groaned the loudest groan in history and I started panicking.

Friday was the last day, before the Christmas holiday and it was also my charity event which meant I'm going to be down as absent and I've never been absent from school for 3 years straight but that wasn't the only case I was the only one who everyone depended on oh noooo!

Oh Allah help me!
Hi guys, Okay so its my first chapter as well as my first story so I  hope you have all enjoyed it. I'll try to update once a week in'shallah!


Jazakallah! x

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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