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Gerard's P.O.V


Lynz's soft breathing washed over me as my eyes flickered open. It was a sunny morning; warm sun rays leaked in through the blinds, leaving slits of light settling on the wall behind. I smiled and lay propped up on my side, watching her for a while. Her teeth occasionally nibbled against her bottom lip, her chest rising and falling delicately. I leant in to her and kissed her gently, rousing her from her slumber. She grinned and kissed me back.

"Good Morning," She said, in her musically sweet voice. I tapped her nose and kissed it.

"Good Morning to you too. Breakfast?" I asked, slipping my feet off the bed. She nodded her head sleepily, but within a few seconds her head had already hit the pillow, and she was fast asleep. I laughed quietly to myself and headed downstairs. I opened kitchen cabinets in search of cereals, or anything edible - but the kitchen was bare. It had occured to me that me and Lynz hadn't really had the uh - time, to shop. We weren't newlyweds - but we were acting like it. In fact, it had been so long since I had seen any of the other guys, including my brother. I missed them, all of them dearly, though Mikey especially.

Knowing Mikey, he probably could have gotten a girlfriend now - he'd never tell me on his own accord if he did, he was never really one to kiss and tell. In fact, he rarely told me anything at all. I bent my head around the doorframe, and whispered to Lynz that I was going to go shopping. She murmured a slurred reply to me with a wave of her hand.

The air outside was crisper than I imagined. It stung the ends of my fingers as I walked.


I sat down in a coffee shop next to the steamed up window. I liked drinking the occasional coffee on my own, and since I hadn't really left the house for some time, it was a good feeling to have space to myself. I stared lazily into the coffee as i stirred it, not bothering to focus my eyes or even think, until, a hand gripped my shoulder and brought me back to my senses.

"Gerard?" A voice laughed. A voice I recognized instantly.

"Frank!" I exclaimed, a little louder than i had anticipated. I stood up from the small table and hugged him.  "It's been so long, man," I grinned over his shoulder.

"Yeah, I've missed you," Frank patted my cheeks and laughed weakly. "I really have."  He sat down in the chair opposite me, looking particularly exhausted. Seeing Frank made me happier than I thought it would, though it occured to me that Frank had no reason to randomly be here - he lived on the otherside of town. "But I'm here for a reason," I looked across the table to Frank, but I was not met with his usual expression. His cheeks where slightly hollower than I had remembered, and his skin paler. He wore a pained expression across his face. He looked tired and worn, as if he hadn't slept in weeks.

Frank sighed and lay his hands on the table.

"It's about your brother."


Mikey's P.O.V


I'm not sure how long I've been lied in bed for. Probably more than a few days. It's been a while since anyone has been here. The last visitor I had was my step father, who shared very little affection for me. He visits every week, though never to make tea and chat. He hurts me and he uses me. He doesn't ever talk unless he's sending bitter insults my way, or telling me to hold still, to stop squirming, telling me to stop crying. He brings friends sometimes. Sometimes they're worse than him. I don't know what I did to deserve it. I never did anything.

My arms are decorated with assorted bruises. Frank, when he visits me, will sit with me for a while and help heal them. He isn't particularly good at it, he always wants to take me to a hospital, but I always refuse. I hated anyone seeing my bruises unless I knew them closely. Frank, I considered, as one of my best friends, and he was nice. He always tried his best.

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