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You look at him. "You sure this suits him?" You nod slowly and see jimin and taehyung busy bickering on a belt.

Each small platinum chain was wounded around delicately with shiny diamonds. And not only that, there was a beautiful crystal encased in the middle which shone both deep black and vibrant red if you move it.

"This is literally him."

"This is a rare spinel bracelet which symbolises emptiness and mysteries like it's colour." You listen attentively. "It's known to cease depression and protects from harm. It acts as a protective charm and when given to someone you love, it works like an aphrodisiac and bonds you with him forever. The colourless moonstones around makes the person connect with inner self and calms him down helping him for a good night's sleep. It clears your mind and makes you realise your deepest wants."

You nod. "I'll take this."

"People generally don't buy it because of its eerie dark colour and the strong aura it emits. But I warn you, together, these crystals are powerful and should be worn by the person who is strong enough to manifest the power otherwise it will counter the effect."

"He will." You smile. "Do you want to engrave anything on the back?"

"Oh I can?"

"Yes, why not?" He smiles and takes out a pen engraver which looked like a tattoo machine but with a stronger tip.

"What do you want to write?"

• • •
I love all of you
forever and always.

He smiles and writes it down in a beautiful script ending with an infinity symbol and hands it over.

You admire it. "Thank you so much."

"Your welcome." You ask him the price and hand over your debit card. It may have cost you your 4 months salary but it was worth it.

"Let's go!" You call both of them. As you look out you realise it was dark and you were hungry.

"It looked expensive, you bought it with your own money?" Taehyung asked you. You smile and nod. "Jimin! Find me a girlfriend like her!" You all laugh.

"Damm, I'm hungry."

"Me too!"

You all order and sit outside the restaurant on the empty table. You smile as they continued bickering. You really enjoyed being with his friends and never felt being left alone. Most importantly you got out of your introverted shell.

Your thoughts go to Jungkook who must be free now after his conference.

You hear your phone beeping and open to see Jungkook messaging you.

You hear your phone beeping and open to see Jungkook messaging you

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Caption: where are you? I need my daily dose of kisses :(

"Is it Jungkook?" Jimin asks. You nod and show him the message.

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