The Upcoming Disaster

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The Year is 1956 a few years after a devastating and dreadful war more commonly known as World War 2 or the War to end all wars with that in mind the 2 main world superpowers were in a collision course the Cold war as we know it is about to chnage the fate of man kind
  The West Titan and The East Giant was facing a war with Capitalism and Communism and both trying to gain as many allies and I Devon Hereford a 6'3 man with the face if determination due to the scar on the left eyebrow, a military veteran and Member of the White house Cabinet is in charge for the inevitable or as we call it Imminent Danger to the Earth And the States (I.D.E.A.S) and my priority perseverance of the earth underground as quick and low profile as possible to prevent the spread of Panic and Propaganda
  My main goal to build as many Bunkers around the States to withstand the bombs and radioactive fallout, I plunge into the stress of the situation having to choose which civilians gets to have the early privilege to the Varying and Altering Units of Life Technology or V.A.U.L.Ts, as months passes the situation get worse, government officials are assassinated, the economy starts to crash the Both West and East troops mobilise around the world without knowledge to the world we have been given classified information and our faces drop with the shock hearing the words from the president "Global annihilation is not a possibility it is a statement now, we have confirmed bombs from China, Turkey, Cuba" Not only was our work time tripled the deadline new year too make up to 300 bunkers 
  Its now the final stretch until we witness the end of an era and possibly the world I have no words and now i have to be in a state of the union to address the issue i heed the words that has everyone agonizingly sorrowful "I am here to address to you something we tried to avoid something we never sought after but it is inevitable that a nuclear war will be the only solution after all the talks and treaties, I can tell you now that special underground bases have been set in every state but i urge to to enter in orderly fashion as we have space for most of you and the rest of you unit cellars set in all cities and to all of you I say God' speed
  With 1/2 of the population in the bunker we now set sight to skies as we await the war that's about to come, the clock ticks can be heard and the beats of hearts as loud as a hammering, we now have received reports that shots have been fired the words that I knew I would hear but hoped I wouldn't " They started firing at us we held off but them lauched we are now goi..." The call was cut off either they were K.I.A or they are still fighting but thats the least of our concerns
  Moments pass as we prepare to launh frantically pacing around shouting codes, praying and saying our last words and good bye, until we launched knowing the last word the president has told us to keep in mind in the State of the Union Conference "Even in defeat, We can be Victorious" Looking at the sky dead on to the missles glare and The Secretary of Defences saying "God help us all"

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