Chapter 1

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"Alex and Conner Bailey, please come pay your final respects to your grandmother before she is buried," said Mother Goose, tears running down her cheeks. "Grandma, even though you did die... you are still my favorite person in the world!" cried Conner.

"Grandma, I wish you didn't have to die, but I understand your soul was ready to move on. No one can live forever," wept Alex. "Now with those final words being said... we shall now burry her... in the riches of Cinderella," said Mother Goose, attempting to be strong. Alex gasped.

"Yes... I wish for the best of your grandmother, Alex, Conner, she has a right to be put in the most proper place we can find," Cinderella said quietly. Alex rushed up and hugged her, tight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Alex cried, while joyous tears went streaming down her face.

"Now with that to be said, the funeral is over," Mother Goose croaked. King Chance and Cinderella left quietly without another word, while King Charlie and Queen Red came to the twins. "Children, I am so sorry. Please, come stay with us in Red's castle," Charlie pleaded.

"Yes, you're company would make my life SO much happier!" said Red happily. "Alrighty then. Alex, we are moving into a castle. Who ever saw that coming?" asked Conner, laughing. "I did," admitted Alex. Red looked at her shocked. "Well... I figured some royalty would offer to have us go live with them. We are the Fairy Godmother's grandchildren, aren't we?" Alex pointed out. "Yeah, that is pretty true," said Conner.

"Good, then! More company at my castle! Grab your stuff, kids, because the carriage leave in 5 minutes!" said Red.
+ + +
The twins lugged their suitcases full of clothing to the carriage. "Alrighty, c'mon! To my castle!" cried Red, and the horses went straight forward in the direction of Red's castle. Alex
stated at the horses in amazement. "They were trained ahead of time," explained Charlie. "Dude, you're back in your human form!" said Conner with surprise. "Yeah, I am. What does 'dude' mean?" asked Charlie curiously.

"Oh... it's just slang from the other world," Conner explained. Charlie looked at Alex, asking for her opinion. Alex nodded her head. "So... Red... have you updated your castle yet... like you we're talking about doing?" Alex asked. "Oh, Alex! Wait until you see it! There are multiple new guest bedrooms,with lilac and velvet drapes on each and every bed. Oh... and don't get me started on the new wallpapers everywhere..." started Red. "Yes, dear, so wonderful. Tell them about... well... you-know-what," Charlie murmured. "Darling, I was getting to that, if you hadn't inturupted me, I would have said it already!" grumped Red, "Forgive me, I have a terrible headache. Yes... I got a new, and improved kitchen! Please hold your applause until the end. Yes, yes, I know, it is wonderful, but please hold your silence. I also made a new library! I figured you two would accept my offer to come live in the castle... so I made two new bedrooms for you two! Alex, your room is right next door to the library, and Conner, your room is right next to the arcade, which I just added in last month. Your rooms are probably... oh, I don't know... the size of my new kitchen... which is pretty huge."

Alex and Conner stared at Red in disbelief. They would have to see this for themselves.

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