The Beginning Begins

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     Welcome to Elmville, a little town in the fantastical nation of Solace.  While Solace is home to all kinds of creatures,  it looks more like a town in the American suburbs.  Elmville is home to several schools, but our story takes place in Augefort Adventuring Academy, the best adventuring school in the nation(debatable)  We enter the small-town story on the first day of school for the six freshmen that make up our party.  First, we will go downtown to meet the first of our intrepid heroes.

     Seagulls squawk and gusts of wind send the sound of creaking wood through the morning air.  The Seacastor Manor looms above the ground in all of its glory.  The old pirate ship has been refurnished and large enough to hold the lovely family of three, although you would have never guessed that it used to sail the seas.  This mansion is bustling with activity: Pirates dragging gold between the rooms, maids running around, and out on a little stone patio we are able to see Fabian Aramais Seacaster practicing fencing with his mother and father nearby.

     Fabian, son of William(Bill) Seacaster, a brave adventurer who sailed the Celestian Seas, and high elf Hallariel Seacaster, is standing with his sword in-hand.  He begins to mock-fight with his fencing teacher, Herzon.  His hair is pure white and kept short, and his 6' 1", muscular body practically screams 'I'm a jock, come hate me!'  As he is fencing, his mother is sitting by on a deck chair and watching in a lovely silk kimono, her similar white hair worn down at her shoulders.  

     "Darling, you look wonderful," Hallariel says, "Are you winning the fight?"  Fabian doesn't answer for a bit but he eventually catches his breath long enough to say,

     "Oh mama(I'm not kidding, that's what he actually says), Herzon is really giving it to me today, but don't worry, I'll best him yet."

     "Herzon, you let my boy win," His mother says.  When she isn't listening, Fabian mutters to Herzon.

     "Herzon, don't take it easy on me.  I need to learn."

     "Of course, I would never take it easy on you.  You are a champion.  You have the gift of your father--" Herzon is suddenly cut off by a very obnoxious voice.

     "Did someone mention the man of the house?" Fabian's father, Bill Seacaster, stomps out of a gold archway.  To any onlooker, he is the most pirat-y looking pirate anyone has ever seen.  He's got the tri-corner hat, the eyepatch, the saber at his side, and a long coat to cover his peg-leg.  Some would call his business practices heroic, while most opt to deem him evil, but Fabian only refers to him as 'pa-pa'.

     Bill swaggers out onto the patio and says, "My dear darling boy, there he is!  The apple of my eye, my pride and joy!"  Despite his menacing look, Bill grabs Fabian's head and kisses him on both cheeks.

     "Now, today is the first day of school, all right.  I've never had much in the way of book learning', never was raised in no school, of any kind, so here's what you do on your first day."  Fabian decides to take advice from the clearly insane man, but who's gonna judge?  "Now I've asked around.  You find the biggest and meanest man there."

     "Yes papa," Fabian replies.

     "You go up to him, and you drive your fist hard and strong right into his stomach and send him to his knees!"

     "Yes papa, that's what I'll do, just like you would've done!  If you ever went to school, that is."

     "That's right, my sweet boy.  Now, I have a little present for you, if you're so inclined," Bill reaches into his bag and pulls out a red and white Augefort letterman's jacket, designed for the bloodrush team of Augefort, the Owlbears.(Bloodrush is basically American football with magic.)  He hands it to Fabian.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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