The final Fight.

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**DISCLAIMER:I don't own the characters in this story but I own the story and what happens to everyone.**

Scott and Gideon were fighting for Ramonas heart, as Scott has been doing with all of the rest of The Seven Deadly Exes that started with Mathew.
Scott had Gideon on his knees, as Gideon was going unconscious.
Scott kneed Gideon in the head and it was all over, Scott had finally won Ramona over, he's finally done it, after so many Exes from Mathew, to Lucas, to Todd, to Roxy, to Kyle, to Ken, and now to Gideon.
Scott cried as tears of joy streamed down his cheeks, it was finally over, Ramona ran up to him and kisses him "SCOTT! YOU DID IT!" Ramona exclaimed loudly.
Ramona was happy as her tears were running down her face from how long it had been.
Scott kissed Ramona's forehead lightly and they walked off to go to a nearby bus stop.
A few hours later they arrived at Ramona's place making out to her room.

Hey- 👋 sorry it's short 😅 I lost inspiration half way. -w- anyways author ~ Chan says bye for now :>
~Word count: 175~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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