My Sisters and I

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I never gave much to how I would die. But dying, in the place of someone I love, seems like a good way to go.

I didn't plan for this to happen. I never wanted anyone to get hurt. I didn't want to come here at all, but sometimes in life things happen that you don't expect.

Sometimes, you meet that person. The one who you can't seem to forget, someone who will never let you go.

And sometimes, like now, you have to. Let them go, I mean. Staring into the face that would destroy me, the man who would relish my blood as it spilled, i couldn'y bring myself to regret this. I didn't regret saving my family.

I didn't regret saving my love.

I locked my legs, raised my fists, because even though I would give myself up, i would never stop fighting. I tilted my chin in defiance as my killer stalked forward.

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