The zompocolpyse

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A/n:i literally just got this idea two days friend alyssia thougt up the theme but she couldnt develop it, so gave it to me.hope you like it.


I never in a million years thought this would ever happen. sure i've seen it in movies a lot of times, but i

really believed're probably thinking 'what are you talking about'.Well let me explain this the best way possible.My name is Alyssia,it's the year 2020,I'm in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. It all stared three days ago


I was flipping through channels seen it,seen it, boring, stupid, too much violence, not enough violence, something about a dead pig, something about a zombie takeover in the USA, boring wait what back it up I turned the t.v back to the zombie channel


what do u think continue or not

if u like tell me and ill continue

anyways i have to go, i've got things to do,food to eat and unicorns to find

peace out

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2013 ⏰

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