
41 5 2

So you lost a hamster eh?


During the night or the day?

So you say it was cute and furry?

Hearing the dogs bark he'd scurry?

Listen champ, he's gone

Up there among the stars

Get a telescope and look above

You'll see a new one, the brightest ever, that'll be him

The only cinnamon you'd know will be the spice

Don't you frown over his loss now

Remember all the times with him that were nice

Life doesn't end here

You still got loads to live through

And if you're still upset over it

Then for you some coffee shall i brew?

Well, why don't you get a new one

Just like Cinnamon

And when you think what to name him

Name him Jr. Cinnamon

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2012 ⏰

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