Chapter One

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Homura was undecided. Walpurgisnacht was defeated, and not only that, but all witches were gone. It was all thanks to Madoka, but at a price. Her friends were alive again, but Homura knew they wouldn't stay that way. Mami would die. Sayaka would die. Kyoko would die, and Homura would be all alone. Again. The other magical girls never had believed Homura when she had told them of Kyubey's trickery, so why would they now? All Homura wanted was Madoka. She wanted to go back, to go back in time and start again, but at what cost? Would Madoka be more powerful than ever? Would witches exist again? Would all of her friends still die, all because of Kyubey? Homura wasn't sure she cared anymore. She made her wish for Madoka, and it was hers to use as she chose. It might be goodbye to a land without witches, but it was hello again to Madoka, and that was all Homura wanted. 


Homura awoke back in the hospital on the day of her release, just like every time she had gone back. She looked down at her hand and sighed in relief. Madoka's ribbons had traveled back with her. Homura would do anything to keep them, as they reminded her of the selfless Madoka who had made her wish to save them all. Homura clutched the ribbons tightly, then tied them in her hair like a headband. She look off her glasses and let her hair fall free of their twin braids. Different. Homura would always be different.

She stood in front of the class just like every timeline. Madoka was in the middle row, next to Sayaka. Neither had made a wish yet, but something was off. An enormous power filled the room, but it wasn't sinister. It was... Warm and kind. It was.. Madoka. Her potential was greater than any timeline Homura had ever seen, and none of the other time had she been able to sense it. Somehow, Homura had to convince Madoka to not make a contract. 

"Class, this is our new student," said the teacher. "Care to introduce yourself?" 

"Akemi Homura. Please to meet you." 

The whispers filled the room, and Homura cared not what they said. Just Madoka. Homura only cared about Madoka. 

Homura walked to the middle of the room and took the seat behind Madoka. On either side of Madoka, there was Sayaka and Hitomi. It pained Homura to see them all so happy, for she knew what was to come. 

At lunch, a crowd of girls fawned over her as always. Homura wasn't listening; she had heard it too many times. Her eyes scanned the lunchroom for Madoka. Spotting her, Homura stood up quickly.

"Akemi san! Where are you going?" Asked one girl. Homura had never learned her name.

"I need to find the nurse's aide," she mumbled, making her way over to Madoka. Madoka noticed her approach.

"May I help you?" She asked shyly.

"I heard you were the nurse's aid. Please escort me to the nurse's office"

"Ah.. sure, Akemi san" said Madoka. On the inside she was uneasy. Why did the new girl look at her as if she knew her, when Madoka had never seen here before? Why was it that Madoka  felt as If she knew this girl, when she had only ever seen her... in  dream? But that's impossible...

As they walked to the nurses office,  Madoka contemplated where  she might  have  known  Akemi from. Maybe they had gone to elementary school together? No, Madoka would have remembered such an aura... It was all too confusing. Suddenly, Homura stopped dead in her tracks. 

"...Akemi san?" Madoka asked slowly.

I one swift motion, Homura turned on her heel to face Madoka. So many words flooded Homura mind, but she couldn't pick any that would make sence. If only... of only Homura could stop Madoka from ever learning about magical girls, then maybe she would have a chance to save her.

"Call me Homura," she finally said, feeling her eyes well up with tears.

"Oh, um, Ake- Homura chan.."

"Please, Madoka. Don't ever change."

Madoka could see every inch of sadness in this girl's oddly purple eyes, and Madoka wondered what Homura had seen to have eyes filled with such regret . Homura walked  briskly past her before Madoka could see her tears. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2014 ⏰

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