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"What is he talking about?" The next thing answered your question.


You stared wide as you heard the crunching sound of bullet colliding with the man's skull spraying blood all over your face and neck. You saw Mr. Lee's lifeless body flopping down like a dummy.

You snapped your head towards Jungkook.

Completely stoic. He had no expressions.

What is going on?

For a minute, everything came to screeching halt.

Then, the whole place had turned into a pandemonium.

People running here and there screaming on top of there lungs. You tug his hand. Jungkook stared blankly at the body.

"J-J-Jungkook?" He slowly looked at you with those predator eyes. All of a sudden, he removed something out and pointed near your face.


You shrieked at the heat and sound of the gun right near your ear making you completely numb and deaf for a whole minute. You felt your ears humming weirdly as you cupped them.

Jungkook twirled you around and shot another man in suit coming for both of you. It was like you were in midst of a ballet, him twirling you around like a ballerina. The only difference was him firing bullets.

You looked in his eyes and saw him total devoid of any emotions.

No fear.

Jungkook brought you closer and pressed his forehead against yours. With the other hand, he shot someone behind you. You both sucked your breath and stilled as your lips brushed together while clearly hearing gunshots and breaking of glass around you. He pressed his lips on your forehead and growled when someone hit a champagne bottle on his head.

You gasped when you saw blood seeping down his neck.

"Suga!" He shouted. Jungkook picked you up and threw you towards yoongi. You yelped as you were flying mid-air suddenly feeling strong grasps around you.

Yoongi winked. "Nice to meet you under such circumstances." He placed you behind the bar and chucked a gun at you. "Don't let anyone come near you!" He shouted and resumed shooting.

While yoongi was easily popping people's head with two guns on each side, you saw Jungkook shooting with one hand and fighting with other. He was gracefully plowing people aside like a tornado.

You just sat there in a corner and wondered what is going on? Who are these people? Why is Jungkook shooting and fighting them with so much ease?

Why did Jungkook didn't show any signs of pain when someone literally busted his head with a glass bottle?

You saw someone coming near you. You panicked. You had never shot someone, nor killed them obviously.

You suddenly remembered jungkook's words. "You never know what's coming for you."

"It's your lucky day."

You somehow undid the safety of the gun and aimed towards the person.


You managed to shoot is neck. Congratulations, you have murdered someone. You realised, taking someone's life is so easy. One press on the trigger and they are dead.

You began shooting at the people who tried to near you or tried to harm Jungkook and yoongi. It almost felt entertaining when people would fall down with your kinda okay-ish shots.

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