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Final chapter lads! Final chapter! Like Hezzy's Oscar speech, I wanna thank everyone who read this and voted or commented on this. I mean I started this story back in February and ever since I got booted out of school back in March because of COVID-19, I've been working on this non stop. I never thought this book would get to 1k, let alone 29k. Thank you all so much. Leah.

Fall 2017

"So it's official, we're not having twins," I announced as I came through the door. "We're having just one."

"Boy or girl?" Jess asked me. "You sure you don't wanna do oldschool?" I wondered.

"Tell me."

"We're having a girl," I told him. "Six months from now."

"You're starting to show and everything," Jess pointed out. We realised there wasn't a sound in Luke's. "Luke!" Jess yelled. I looked around just to see everybody on their computers.

They must have figured out the password.

I heard a clatter coming from the store room and some kind of dusty smoke. "CAESAR! THE FLOUR BAG BROKE!" Luke yelled.

Oh, it was flour. Luke came out covered in it, give him a sailor's cap and he'd look like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.

"So why is the diner basically dead?" Jess asked Luke. "Some asshole asked me for the Wi-Fi password and an even bigger asshole gave it to him."

"You never gave us that password," I pointed out. "And I'm technically your niece now."

"I hate laptop people," Luke grumbled as he was handing out the plates. "So kick them out," Jess suggested.

"I had a system and it got ruined," Luke explained. "Now all they do is binge watch Doctor Who on Netflix."

"Hey Doctor Who always gets a pass!" I defended one of my favourite shows. "Can't wait for the baby to arrive," Luke rolled his eyes. "One part slacker, one part sci-fi geek."

"Hey!" me and Jess exclaimed in unison.

Jess looked weirdly at his uncle. "What's wrong?"

"I'm tired," he told him. "Yeah, I don't believe that," Jess then dragged Luke over.

"Is this about Mom doing Wild?" I asked him. "Movie or book?" Jess asked me.

"Oi!" Luke scolded us. "They're different experiences, I did Wild a couple of years ago," I told him. "And she's doing book, total purist."

I looked at Luke. "You and Mom had a fight? Right?"

"Have you two experienced communications problems?" Luke asked us. "It's why we broke up thirteen years ago," Jess told him. "But the blame is on both of us, but we worked through it."

"Well your mom is keeping secrets," Luke said to me. "Like what?" I wondered. "She didn't tell me she was going to therapy alone and Jess, I swear to God if you say 'about time' I will kick your sorry ass," Luke grumbled.

"I didn't say it but I thought it but hey, that's how I work," Jess told him. "Well we've been arguing," Luke told us. "Not in public, that was the first time."

"When does Mom get back?" I asked Luke. "Three weeks," he answered me. "She's gonna leave me."

"She won't," I reassured him.

"Can I have some coffee?" a customer asked Luke. "You want food?" Luke wondered. "Just the coffee," he muttered, not looking up from his phone. "That's it," Jess shook his head and went into the back room. "What are you doing?" I called after him.

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