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**Disclaimer this backstory has bad language, gore descriptions, and hints to rape. If any of these make you uncomfortable please do not read this chapter and go to the next one. This is just a backstory about how your character join the creepypasta's and isn't part of the story**

**In this story there are parts that are in parenthesis for you to choose an option. This story is intended for both boys and girls so that's why there are some options. Hope you enjoy!!)


Your life had always been pretty rough, your mom never really payed attention to you and your father was a drunk. He always came home with some kind of issue and always smelled of booze. Needless to say it wasn't easy with someone who never payed attention to your pain and someone who always beat the living shit out of you. 

You where in your room when it all happened though. You where in your room watching a YouTube video about the latest murder.  "The poor teenager was killed with what seems to be a hatchet and the weird symbol of a O with a X through it on the wall appeared again. Whoever is committing these graphic murders is part of a large group or gang..." The sound of the reporters  voice faded in your mind as you started thinking about the crime scene. You always loved to think about dead people, it pleased you. Sadly though your thought was interrupted by the sound of a gunshot and a loud thud that came afterwards. Quickly you raced downstairs only to stare at your drunk father over your now mothers dead corpse.

"Well if it isn't the little shit who ruined my whole fucking life. Your mom had it coming and it's all your fault. You're the reason she is dead!" Your father spewed slurred words at you as he stumbled over towards you. Your body was frozen with shock over the sight that you saw, but something in you snapped. You couldn't stop laughing at the sight of your moms dead body on the floor.  From the blood splatter on the cabinets to the brain matter spewed on the floor. all you could  was chuckle to yourself and soon your chuckles turned into insane laughter. You couldn't help it, one of your favorite things to see was right in front of you at this moment and it gave so much pleasure.

"The fuck are you laughing at (boy/girl)!? You think this is funny that your mom is dead in front of you!? Huh!?!"

"It looks so beautiful, her brain splattered everywhere. That bitch deserved it anyways! It"s not like she even cared about me in the end! Just like you dad and I'm going to make you into a beautiful mess just like her!" After yelling at your dad you lunged at him knocking him down, his gun flying across the floor. You stood up putting a foot on his chest so he couldn't get up as you stared down at him with crazed eyes and a twisted smile. "I cant wait to make you pay~" 

You grabbed the large kitchen knife from the table and leaned down close to him whispering into his ear. "I hated you the most dad cause in the end it was your fault for everything. Hell don't you remember the other night you came home drunk and decided to rape your own fucking (son/daughter)!?" You raised your hand up with the knife and drove it down into his eye. His screams filled your ears and it made you feel so happy as you slowly pulled out the knife with your fathers eye stuck on it. You pulled it off and shoved it down his throat as you continued to randomly stab his face till you couldn't recognize what he looked like anymore. Chuckling to yourself you dipped your finger into the pool of blood and wrote on the wall a O with a X over it. You stepped back to admire your work and smiled.

Going back up to your room you changed your bloody clothes to a pair of (f/c) ripped jeans and (f/c crop top/ f/c shirt). Looking through your closet you found your favorite black zip up hoodie and slid it on alone with your  combat boots. All you had to do was pack a few things in your bag and you would be set to leave. Of course your laptop and phone along with any chargers needed to go. 

You swung your large duffel bag over your shoulder and stepped to leave but when you stepped you where in a different location. It looked like a old run down mansion(the one in the picture). Looking around to see if there was anyone around you all you could see was thousands of trees. Shrugging you walked inside to see a really well kept house with a bunch of people at the door. They looked all very different and you couldn't help but feel at home with these people.

"I see you've finally made it (y/n). We've been waiting for your arrival..."  A tall man with no face was speaking to you through your mind. You didn't know how you knew that he was talking to you but you just knew. You smiled as you looked around and slowly met everyone around the house and gained friends for once. Life was gonna be a lot better now that you where someplace that felt like home.

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