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My dog Pippa as Roxy Mariano

"Go on, get the ball girl," I tossed the ball across the yard and Roxy just cocked her head, staring at me.

"Damn it," I sighed. I tried throwing a frisbee but still, no movement from Roxy.

"Come on Roxy, you're making me look bad here," I grumbled.

She did get up. And she ran away but ran back once Jess came out.

He picked up the ball and threw it and ROXY RAN AFTER IT!

"She loves you more," I pouted. Jess just shrugged. "Your mom called, she's inviting us to Spring Fling in Stars Hollow, I'll go next door to tell Amilia."

"I need to make Roxy jealous," I muttered.


"Hi!" Mom hugged me once I came in the door and hugged Jess too. "How's Roxy?"

"Biased," I told her.

"Roxy likes me more," Jess explained. "Ah, she's a man eater," Mom joked.

"Mom!" I groaned. "Well go on upstairs and drop off your bags, make yourselves at home," she told us. Once we made it to my old room, the doorbell rang.

"Why is there a trundle bed?" Jess asked me. "That's my mom's way of saying 'No having sex with my daughter,' I thought you knew that," I smirked.

Rory knocked on my door. "I'm giving Logan a tour, wanna come?"

"Yeah sure, Jess?"

"Yeah," he nodded and we got up.

We were walking through the streets together. "Did you and Heather do Dance of the Daffodils?" Logan laughed. "We did but she was better," Rory pointed at me.

"Remember the debutante?" I asked her. "The fan dance?"

"Oh, don't remind me," Rory shuddered. "So Taylor is dictator?" Logan asked Jess. "Basically," he told him.

We walked into Luke's and sat down at a table. "No call?" Logan asked Rory. "This the Providence paper or the Boston one?" I wondered.

"Providence," she told me. "Hey guys," Luke came over to greet us. "Nephew," he nodded at Jess. "Uncle," Jess returned the greeting.

"So what brings you guys here?" Luke asked us. "Spring Fling," I explained to him. "Ah, well April is here too, she's with her swim buddies right now but she'd love to see you guys."

Jess jumped all of a sudden. "Was that hay always there?"

Luke looked up. "Son of a bitch."

He stormed outside to yell at Taylor. We watched Taylor and Luke fighting and me and Rory were laughing. "This is what to live for in this town."


"Gah! Don't disturb me in the kitchen," I whacked Rory with the spatula. "I didn't know that you could make paella," she said.

"Something smells nice," Mom piped up as she came through the door.

"How was the meeting? Logan finds Taylor fascinating," Rory asked Mom.

"Taylor is ripping out the gazebo with a crane because he belongs in the loony bin," Mom told us. "And there are no booths!"

"He's insane," Jess agreed with her. Logan opened a bottle of red wine for the table.

"Pepper," I held out my hand. Jess handed me the pepper shaker and I seasoned it.

"I got the job!" Rory cheered, looking at her phone. "Oh Ror, that's amazing!" I cheered, hugging my sister.

After the paella, the five of us walked through town. "Tessa lives in Providence, right?" Rory asked me. "Yeah but she's moving to Boston after graduation though," I told her.

"Why Boston?" Rory asked me. "Same sex marriage is legal there," I explained.

"We're proud of you Ace," Logan told her. Me and Rory went into Westons to get the pie. "We're getting Mississippi mud pie."


I was sleeping in the trundle bed while Jess was sleeping in my bed. The trundle bed was a little uncomfortable.

I shuffled around but I actually felt like there was something digging into my back.

Jess shuffled back and moved the duvet. "In," he muttered.

"Did I wake you?" I asked him.

"No," he murmured but I knew the answer was yes.

"In," he repeated and I crawled into my bed with him, which was a lot comfier.

"Bad dream?" he wondered. "No, just something digging into my back," I told him.

The next day was the festival and we were lining up to go into the maze. "I've got an idea," Jess pitched to me in. "I'll wait thirty seconds after you go in, we'll make this a competition, loser has the trundle bed."

"Oh you are so on," I laughed. "The middle of the road I'd sleep better on."

I walked in and I turned right, then left, then left again. "Heather!"

"Hey April!" I hugged her and she hugged me back. "No Jess?"

"We're having a competition to see who gets out first, loser sleeps on the most uncomfortable bed in the universe," I explained.

"Well, can I stay with you? Because I'm gonna get lost," April asked me.

"Sure," I nodded.

We ended up making it out and I looked around to see no sign of Jess.

Although he came out of the maze about two minutes later. "I should've kept my mouth shut."

"Yes, you should have," I smirked.

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