☁️ tutoring lessons ☁️

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I walked down the rather crowded hallway and into the big hall, up to the large pinboard in the back of it. That's where they usually put up info sheets or posters for upcoming plays. But sometimes you can also find offerings for tutoring lessons by fellow students or sometimes even teachers.

To my unusual luck, this was one of these rare days where someone actually offered Korean lessons. I quickly noted the given phone number into my own phone.

Now, I wasn't particularly bad at Korean but there were occasions where I still had trouble expressing myself thoroughly, without sounding stiff or awkward and sometimes I got teased about that... not that I really cared. Most of the time it was only Bri- Younghyun after all. But I've decided to get some help with that anyways.

And that's how I ended up here. And with here I mean down at the front door of his house, contemplating if I should ring the bell now or rather keep waiting for just a bit longer. I didn't wanna show up too early after all. Nah, I'll just ring now.

Only a few seconds later I heard the loud beeping noise, which always appeared when someone opened the door for someone from their apartment.

Stairs... He lives on the 4th level.
If I remember correctly his name is Kim Wonpil and he's a two grades below me. I never thought someone younger than me would give me tutoring lessons.. If he thinks I'm pathetic? I don't care.

By now I arrived at the right level, slightly panting from walking up all those damn stairs. But there's no time to get my shit together. I was already greeted by a friendly seeming, smiling boy.

He didn't have a profile picture as I messaged him on kakao talk so this was the first time I'd seen him. He was shorter than me, which isn't too much of a surprise by now, his hair reached down to his ears and was parted in the middle. Soft, outward pointing waves prevented his eyes from being covered more than just slightly. I assumed he dyed it a dark brown, chocolate like color. It looked neatly messy, if that even made sense.

He was wearing a light blue buttoned up shirt, which was slightly oversized so it looked rather comfortable. He had paired it with a simple pair of dark blue jeans. Overall he looked pretty neat. But who was I to care about that?

I bowed lightly and greeted him, returning a warm smile. He gestured me to step inside, which I then did. I pushed up my glasses, using my index finger before taking off my shoes to place them where he'd shown me only a second ago. Was I getting nervous? Why?

He lead me into his living room, telling me to sit down on the sofa. I took off my bag and put it down next to the small coffee table. “I'm sorry, I don't have a taller table,” he scratched the back of his head. “Oh, it's fine! I'm the one wanting something from you and you know.. It's nice enough of you to even help me!” I sound like a fool.

He let out a soft giggle and nodded. “Of course! Your name is Park Jaehyung, right? You're older than me, a senior, when I remember correctly..?” he replied in a questioning tone, making sure he got it right. Was he really not sure, though? Or was it just to start a conversation?

“Yeah, that's correct..! Is it weird? I've moved here from California for highschool and have been studying korean a lot ever since.. But I'm still not the best yet.” - “Well that's what I'm here for,” he explained and let out another giggle, “it's not weird at all!”

He then asked me to take out my studying material, which he asked me to bring along, not stopping to use formal speech. Of course. I was older than him after all. I placed my notebook onto the coffee table and leaned down quite a bit, due to my height. I glanced over to Wonpil who didn't seem to have as many difficulties with the size of the table. A little smile formed on my face for the fraction of a second before he glanced back at me.

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