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"Lorelai couldn't have been more than ten," Grandpa told Dad a story. "She was very definite about the whole thing. She looked me directly in the eye and said that she was going to marry Tip O'Neill, I nearly had a heart attack."

"To Lorelai and Christopher," Grandma toasted and we all raised our glasses.

Mom opened the present and they found a painting. "That's very generous of you," Dad gulped.

"And it was also pleasant to learn of your marriage via voicemail," Grandma grumbled.

"You didn't!" Rory gasped. "She most certainly did," Grandpa told Rory.

"Mom you chicken," I laughed.

Grandma played the message and me and Rory burst out laughing.


"We have decided," Grandma announced over dinner. "That we would like to throw you two a wedding party."

"Oh," Mom gulped. "That is very sweet, but it's totally unnecessary."

"We insist," Grandpa stated. "You ought to celebrate."

"Well I think it should be," I piped up. "Same here," Rory added. "Alright so who's on your list. "Well me, Chris, Rory, Heather, Logan, Jess, Sookie, Jackson and Michel," Mom told her.

"Invite your Stars Hollow friends," Grandma suggested. "Heather, invite Andrea and the biker girl."

"The biker girl is in Providence," I told Grandma. "She's not a biker chic because she has pink hair."

Saturday, I heard Jess on the phone with his mom. "Oh come on, I get that this is important, that's what hospitals are for. Bring my girlfriend? I'm not bringing her, okay, okay, we'll be there."

Jess hung up the phone. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "My mom is having a home birth and wants us there," he told us.

"Well you have to go, it's gonna be your brother or sister," I smacked his arm. "You're coming with me though," Jess told me. "I'll be there unless I have a shift," I told him.

"You're not working," he told me. "You take the fun out of everything, fun sponge," I rolled my eyes playfully at him.


We made it over to Liz and TJ's and Liz was holding onto my hand as she was giving birth. "I can't do this!" she cried. "I can't do this!"

"Yes you can," I told her, calming her down. I saw Jess and TJ looking away.

"Hey, if I get pregnant, you'd better be right here," I said to Jess.

"It's a girl," the midwife told Liz and cleaned her up. "Aw," I cooed. I looked at the boys and Luke came in. "Turn around you wusses," I scolded them and everyone came over.

"I'm gonna call her Doula," Liz announced. She gave me Doula to hold. "That's your sister," Liz told the baby. "If my son ever gets down on one knee."

Jess came over and I gave Doula to him so he could hold his baby sister.

"Now, ain't that a picture," TJ laughed. "Give it ten years and soon, this will be Jess and Heather."

My cheeks turned red as did Jess' cheeks. Marriage was never discussed. Or having children.

Touch of Hellfire (Original Version)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt