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Now, I know everybody in this world loves to have a good laugh in class. But with our sub for the week, it was basically everyday. He was an idiot.

"So Henry the eighth had two of his wives executed, I mean I don't get how he could deal with the first wife getting her head hacked off with an axe, let alone the second," he said.

I raised my hand. "Sir?"

"Yes Helen?" he asked me.

"It's Heather," I corrected him. "Anne Boleyn was executed with a sword."

"Hmm," he ignored me and changed the subject again. "Now after Charles the first died, his son Charles the second took over."

I raised my hand again. It's wrong! He even looked my way but didn't call on me.

"Oh for Christ sake," I grumbled. "Charles the first was executed by the Puritans and England was no longer ruled by the monarchy as Oliver Cromwell took over but after he died, the monarchy was restored."

"Fine you know so much? How long did Lady Jane Grey rule on the English throne?" he tested me.

"Nine days," I told him. "Okay, when was the assassination of James the first supposed to happen?" he asked me.

"The fifth of November, 1605, where a group of Catholics, led by Robert Catesby, plot to blow up Parliament with the king inside, Guy Fawkes was supposed to light the fuse until a letter was sent to Lord Monteagle, warning him of the plot and the guards found Fawkes and they had him, along with seven more of the conspirators, hung, drawn and quartered."

I dropped my pencil as if it was a microphone and the class started clapping.

I left the room where Jess was waiting with coffee. "That was you?"

I nodded and took the cup from him. He kissed my temple and the two of us walked off.


"Incompetent is an understatement!" I ranted. "You're gonna burst a blood vessel," Jess poked fun at me. "Sorry about the rant but seriously, how has he not been fired?!" I exclaimed.

I sat down on my couch, tired by the exhausting day. "You forgot what today was," Jess told me. "Our getting back together anniversary?"

"No that's in two weeks," Jess corrected me. "Give it..ten seconds."

I started thinking. I gasped. "THE METS GAME!"

I dashed to my room and started looking for my Mets cap and jersey. "You do not toy with me like that Mariano!"

He was laughing and once I came back out, I saw tater tots, mini everything on the table and beer.

"Surprise," Jess announced. "And Andrea is spending the night with Dave so it's just us for the night."

I was frozen but I broke into a big smile and I ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"I love it, thank you," I said into his shoulder. I kissed him and hugged him again.

The two of us sat down on the couch and watched the game. One of the guys got tripped up.

"No!" we both yelled at the screen. "That was a foul!" I stated.

Thankfully the Mets won and me and Jess were cheering as did the people upstairs and next door.

The after-game commentary was kind of long. I rested my head on Jess' shoulder as his eyes were getting heavier. "Jess?"


"I love you," I nuzzled in closer to him as he kissed my head. "I love you too."

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