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I poured my Lucky Charms into a bowl and I looked at the shopping list. I laughed once I saw Jess' handwriting on the whiteboard on the fridge.

I went into my bedroom and I threw a pillow at him. "What did I do now?" he grumbled.

"You wrote on the shopping list," I told him. "Oh I thought you were joking," he sighed. "I seriously have to pay rent in order to put beer on your list?"

"I was buying beer anyway," I told him. "What are you doing today?" he asked me. "I have a lecture," I informed him.

"Stay, blow it off," he mumbled, pulling me into him, kissing my neck. "You do that then I'll never leave," I laughed.

"Sort of the point," he told me. "Why are you doing history?"

"I like history," I said. "It's just something to do on the sides, to keep me busy as I hardly have any classes this year."

"Here's a deal, you can put stuff on the list, if you actually go to WholeFoods to buy them," I said to Jess. "Now upsy daisy, you have work."

Jess reluctantly got out of bed.


I gathered my stuff up after the lecture and I was walking to the campus Starbucks until my phone started ringing. "Hello?"

"Please come to the Yale thingie on Saturday!"

I laughed once I realised it was Rory begging me to come to the Yale Parent's Weekend.

"I did not give birth to you, therefore I do not have to," I told Rory as I waited in line.


"Do I have to?" I pouted.


"Ugh fine," I gave in. "Yay," she cheered.

That Saturday, I drove to New Haven and I met up with Rory on campus. "Yay, you came," Rory hugged me. "You're bringing me to the paper?" I asked her. "Yes," she smiled and we walked in. "We aren't accepting new staff!" a guy with glasses barked at me.

"Can it Harry Potter!" I shot back. "That's my sister," Rory told him. "She goes to Columbia."

"You're bringing the enemy here?!"

"Relax, I'm a film major," I rolled my eyes. Rory's phone went off and she frowned. "She called me a rat."


"I didn't tell her Grandma and Grandpa were here, I should probably tell her that you're here," Rory said, texting away.


While Rory was giving the layout, I noticed Mom and Dad spectating. "Your fans want an autograph," I said to Rory and the two of us went over.

"Hey kiddo," Dad hugged me and then he hugged Rory. "We are taking you both out, fancy pants restaurant, crème brûlée," Mom looked at me when she mentioned the last bit. "Heaps of profiteroles."

The four of us went to the fancy restaurant. "So, you and Jess planning a holiday for the winter since your head stopped you last time."

"Skiing in Switzerland," I told Mom. "We'll be gone for four days, we leave after Christmas but we'll be back for New Years."

"How is the head?" Dad asked me. "Completely healed, I am officially myself again," I told him.

I got my profiteroles so all in all, happiness.

"Is there a Columbia Parent's Weekend?" Mom asked me, eagerly. "No," I smirked and I poked my fork at my profiterole.

Once lunch was over I drove back to New York to see Jess getting something out of his car. "You went to WholeFoods," I laughed. "Don't mock me," he scolded me.

"Why would I do that?" I feigned shock. "Andrea and Dave are watching American Idol up there," he shuddered. "The auditions are the best bit, we insult the people who can't sing," I pointed out.

"That's why you guys watch it," Jess sussed out. "And you never know who wins."

"Welcome to the real world," I smirked and we went upstairs.

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