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"I'm gonna beat-cha," Andrea boasted. "This is the idea you had?" Jess asked me focused on the screen.

"I'm sorry, I tricked you," I smirked. "I play winner!"

Andrea got Mario Kart on the..something, I don't know what console. It was her, Dave, me and Jess all in the apartment, playing.

"No! Go away spiny shell!" Andrea ranted. "You asshole!"

"First place," Jess smirked. "How can Princess Peach even drive in that god damn dress?" Andrea grumbled.

"Right, I'm up," I smiled. We organised the chairs like a car just for fun. "Alright, I'm Yoshi," I said.

"Okay Yoshi vs Princess Peach," Dave announced. It was a hard course. "You red shelled me?!" Jess gasped. "Deal with it," I sang as I drove past it.

"First place!" I cheered. "You're lucky we're dating," Jess rolled his eyes. 


"Game night is getting insane," Andrea told me as we prepped the snacks. "Alright boys," I announced. The phone started ringing. "No, we spend as much time with you as we can before you have to go to Hell," Andrea sighed.

"It's my mom," I told her. "Hello?"

"Hey hon, how's it going?" 

"It's good, me and Andrea played hooky so we're doing a whole day of games with the boys," I told her. "How about you?"

"Well, Stars Hollow stinks of pickles and Taylor is a cheapskate." 

"Well I'm not surprised, the Taylor thing, not the pickle thing," I explained.

"Well Rory is hanging with Logan, so it's just us for dinner, me, you and Christopher, that okay?" 

"Logan's in town?! Meanie, she didn't tell me and yeah it's okay, I'll kill Rory later," I said. "I should go."



I hung up and looked at Andrea setting up Cluedo. "I'm doing Criminology so if any of you beat me, you're making me look bad."

"Okay, make sure she doesn't win," I laughed. 

"Evil!" Andrea exclaimed.


I heard a beep of a car horn out the window. "My parents," I told the others.

Jess walked me out onto the steps. "See you later," he said. "I'll see you later," I responded and he leaned in to kiss me but we were interrupted by the car horn.

"They're gonna keep doing that," I told him. He pulled me in and kissed me anyway. "Heather, you'll see him in a few hours," Dad called out the window.

"How about the two of us go away for the weekend," Dad suggested. "Ooh, the Ice Hotel!" Mom cheered.

"Or Bermuda," Dad added.

But the conversation soon turned to an argument about Sherry. I could've just driven here.

"Give me a break!" Mom grumbled. "You never liked her!" Dad pointed out.

"I'm being honest!"

I rang the doorbell to put them out of their misery. "Hello," Grandma greeted us. "Richard, they're here! Come in!"

I was sitting beside Mom for dinner as Grandpa was talking about the Archduke or something. "How are the salads?" Grandma asked us.

"They're good, I like the pear," I said. "Do you? I'm so glad," Grandma smiled. "Tell them about midterms Richard."

"They separate the weak from the chaff. I don't actually have to grade anything," Grandpa told us. 

"Well, now that Lorelai and Christopher are an item, we can play tennis!" Grandma said happily. "Anything to get rid of Bunny. Ooh here's the lamb!"

"Let's have a toast, to Lorelai and Christopher," Grandpa raised his glass.

"I have to talk to you," Mom muttered and she and Dad went off. "Do you play tennis?" Grandma asked me. "No, I play baseball occasionally," I admitted. 


Thankfully, Rory showed up at dessert and I smiled gratefully. "Never leave me like that again."

"I'm sorry Hezzy," Rory hugged me.

"Okay, now I have pictures on my phone of Mom being in jail!" Mom announced and took out her phone. "Oh my God!" I gasped. Even Grandpa wanted to see.


The first stop in the car was New York, so it was the four of us in the car. "I feel like I'm nine," Rory told me. "I feel like I'm seven," I told her. 

I was dropped off at my flat and I went in the badass way. Jess, Dave and Andrea were still there! Playing Monopoly of all things.

"You guys are still playing?!" I laughed. "Help," Andrea begged me. I kissed Jess on the cheek before sitting next to Andrea.

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