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I took my meds for my aching head and had a look at my scar, changing the dressing.

"Need a hand?" Jess asked me. "Nope," I muttered. "I got it."

I took my bloody bandage off. "Who knew rocks could be so damaging?" I grumbled.

"How much bleeding?" he walked up to me and grimaced. "That's a good bit of blood."

"It's looks worse than it is," I told him, using peroxide to clean it and I yelped out in pain.


"It hurts like a bitch," I groaned. "Worst bit is over."

I made a new dressing and stuck it to my head. "And done."

Jess wiped the side of my head with a wet cloth. "Bit of blood."

"Thank you," I murmured. I pulled Jess towards me and connected my lips with his.

Which got heated very heated very quickly with me straddling him in my old bedroom. I pulled away. "Come on you, breakfast," I smirked and got off his lap and he was gobsmacked. "You're gonna pay for that you tease," he grumbled.

"Get used to it," I smiled.


I drove to Grandma's on Friday night but once I got out of the car, I felt a little dizzy. I clutched onto the door handle to steady myself.

"Hezzy?!" Rory ran over to me and helped me stand up straight. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I just got..dizzy for a sec, I'm okay," I mumbled. We walked into the house and the room was spinning again.

I blinked a few times. "Heather are you alright?" Grandma asked me. "Yeah..I think so," I replied, stumbling over my feet.

"Is it that wound of yours?" Grandpa asked me. "My doctor said while I'm in recovery, dizziness and light-headedness is the main side effects of the drugs I'm taking," I explained.

Rory led me over to the couch and I sat down. "Little better, thank you," I mumbled.

"Richard, get Heather a non alcoholic drink, I do not want her drinking alcohol until that wound is gone," Grandma instructed him.

Mom came in the house once Grandpa was making the drinks.

He handed me a club soda while Grandma told us the news. "We opened a new theatre called the Gilmore Theatre in Columbia," Grandma told us. "There will be a plaque there of you after you graduate."

"That's amazing," I smiled. "Thank you so much."

"And Rory gets the Rory Gilmore Astronomy Building," Grandpa told her.

The maid opened the door the second it rang and Dad walked in. "Hey Dad," Rory greeted him and hugged him.

"How's the assassination attempt?" Dad joked. "Healing but slowly," I told him.

"Told you Lor, this is what happens when they get evil," Dad laughed. The doorbell rang again as Rory was leaving to hang with Logan.

"Is there a party I'm currently unaware of?" I asked Mom and she shrugged. Grandma went to answer the door and came back with a blonde woman who was the spitting image of Jan from The Office.

"Lorelai, this is Carolyn Bates," Grandma made the introductions. "And this is Christopher and their daughter Heather."

"Ooh, what happened to your head?" Carolyn asked me.

No hi, no small talk..just straight to the gaping wound.

"I jumped off a cliff with a broken parachute," I explained.

Grandma was setting Carolyn and Dad up, I could tell, despite blocking them out.

"How old are you?" Carolyn asked me. "I'm twenty one," I told her. "And you were cliff diving?"

"It was dumb and I thought the parachute was working, I found out the hard way that it wasn't," I mumbled.

"Hello Kitty saved her life," Mom told Carolyn. "Hello Kitty?" Carolyn looked at me after Mom and Dad excused themselves.

"I was wearing a Hello Kitty beanie, it cushioned the blow, if I wasn't wearing it, I'd be in the newspaper, under the title 'obituary,''' I mumbled into my drink.

"It's fascinating how one small thing can save a life," Carolyn pointed out.

Someone change the subject. PLEASE!

"Carolyn, you know Heather made a film that was shown at the Sundance Film Festival," Grandma told her. "Oh I saw all the movies there, which one?"

"Final Body," I told her. "The one about the mafia?" she wondered. "And the girl killing the guy in the end?"

"Yep," I popped the p. "Well Emily, it's a very beautiful piece of cinematic art," Carolyn told Grandma.

We ate paella for dinner and I was sitting beside Mom while the two main talking points in my life...my injury and work are well past.

I drove back to Stars Hollow for the weekend and I got really dizzy once I went inside I got very dizzy and nearly collapsed.

I pulled myself up the stairs and everything went dark and everything in my room turned sideways.


"Heather, sweetie!" someone was shaking me. My eyes opened slowly and I realised I was on my bedroom floor. "Hello?"

I opened my eyes to see Babette over me. "What happened?"

"Paul Anka was barking his head off and once I came in, he ran up the stairs and I followed him in here and he was nudging you with his nose, trying to get you to wake up," Babette explained. "I need better medication," I grumbled.

"What you need, is rest, lie down and I'll get Lorelai here as soon as possible," Babette told me.

"How long was I out?" I asked Babette. "I saw your car pull up twenty minutes ago so about twenty minutes," she told me. "Thanks Babette," I gave her a small smile.

"Just take it easy sugar, you got a nasty bang," she told me. "I'll make you some cocoa."

I was sitting up in my bed..wishing I never went on that trip. "Sweetie! Jess is here!"

Jess came into my room. "Babette told me what happened..are you okay?"

I turned my head to look at him. "No," I admitted. He sat next to me and pulled me into his arms. "I wish I never went on that stupid trip," I cried. "Because I think I did a lot more damage than I thought. I mean I literally collapsed and the dog barked until Babette came, he knew I needed help."

"Maybe it's best if you're on bed rest until your wound is healed because you have head trauma," Jess said and sighed. "You hit your head very badly, it's a side effect but you'll get better."

"Maybe we should call a doctor," I murmured. Jess nodded in agreement and took out his phone.

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