The council

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Xemnas sat there, waiting, looking around at the other chairs, waiting for the others, then, one by one, a flash of black light appeared over each chair, bringing people in black robes, gloves and boots onto the chair. After a minute of this, Xemnas looked around and addressed them.

"Fellow Nobodies, I bring you here today because of what happened earlier today, Roxas, our keyblade wielder, has run away," looking around, he saw the gasps on everyone faces.

"Why did he leave," looking around, i saw it was Saix.

"We don't know."

"Have you asked Axel, they were close friends."

"Nobody has seen Axel since Roxas ran away."

"Do you think they left together."

"It has crossed my mind."

"Are we going to go looking for them."

"No, we are not, instead, we will send out some nobodies," waving his hand, a flash of white light appeared below the chairs, reveling ten assassins and samurai nobodies. looking down at them, he said, almost in a whisper. "Find Roxas and Axel,and bring them to me." Looking up, they gave a half nod, the disappeared in another flash of white light."

"Do you think they will be able to find them," asked Saix?

"I think so, that is all, council adjourned."looking at them, they disappeared in flashes of black lights.

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