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I had errands to run in Hartford and frankly, I was annoyed that this stupid book wasn't in New York. "I can't believe this stupid book wasn't in New York Andrea."

"Hey, I'm sorry I forced you to go to Hartford," Andrea told me. "Also, I'm talking to the girl that bailed on her own birthday party."

"Well, what can I say, they were all fawned over my sister because she's in the DAR," I mumbled cynically.

"Trust me, the DAR sucks," Andrea laughed. "They should be proud of you too, you're heading toward Academy Award level of cinematography."

"Unless it counts tea parties and functions for charity, they just ask to be polite," I grumbled. "The classic twin in twin shadow."

"Tell me about it," I rolled my eyes. "Ooh, found it."

"Want me to pay you back?"

"Nah, I'm good, I've got my salary from the script and the compensation for not pressing charges against an arrogant asshole who committed third degree assault, I'll let twenty five bucks pass," I told her. "See you later?"

"Can't I'm stuck in New Jersey all weekend, Monday?"

"See you Monday," I smiled and I hung up.

After I left, someone collided into me, making me drop my bag.

"Hey watch it assha...." I was about to yell at the guy...until I saw who the guy was.




Both of us were stunned for words. We were both kind of frozen. He had a bit of facial hair..just some stubble and had a book bag on him.

"Hi," I mumbled. "Hey," he murmured back. "You look good," I managed to say. "So do you," he replied.

This was extremely awkward. I might have wished too hard..if that's even possible.

"How are you?" I asked him. "Good, I'm just doing a little business, you?"

"I was doing errands, they didn't have a certain book in New York so I came here to get it," I explained.

"This is a little weird but there's something I wanted to show you," Jess explained. He bit his lip. "You wanna get a drink..or.."

"Well I'm driving so I can't drink..how about dinner?" I suggested.

"Fine by me," he nodded.

The two of us went to this bar slash fast food restaurant. Jess ordered a beer while I ordered a soda.

"Luke told me all about Sundance," Jess told me. "That's a really big deal, congrats."

"Thank you," I smiled a little. "So where are you hanging?"

"Well, I was in Philadelphia but I recently moved back to New York, Brooklyn," he told me. "Very artistic there, apparently," I answered him. "You nervous?" he wondered.

"That obvious, huh?" I chuckled. "Be proud of the fact you're not doing this alone, we haven't see each other since.."

"Since I punched you," I finished for him. "So, what did you want to show me?"

He reached into his bag and handed me a book. "It got published?" I gasped. "Jess that's huge!"

"It's a short novel," he told me. "Hey a book is a book, I'm proud of you," I smiled at him.

"Thank you," he smiled back. "I sent it to this publishing place in Philly but they moved their branch to Brooklyn and I'm an organiser there."

"Any chance it'll be in any stores?" I asked him. "That's why I'm here, begging," he explained.

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