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Three months later...just about.

"That was.."

"Hectic?" Tessa suggested. 

The wrap was finally called on 'Final Body' and Nina organised a boat on the Mediterranean, as a relaxing experience. 

"Oh my God...paradise," Tessa mumbled. Mom called me about the engagement and I was ecstatic. I was close to giving poor Nina a heart attack.

Mom promised to keep the Rory situation on hold until I got home.

The two of us were sunbathing on the deck of the boat. "So, we got the movie filmed..who knew that the guy from One Tree Hill would play as Antonio and Lizzie McGuire would play as Astrid."

"It's insane," I laughed. "It's perfect."

I lay back on the deck and sipped my coke.

I had some kind of a phone on the boat. "Hello?"

"So has the wrap been called?" Mom asked me. "Yeah, Nina organised a little boat trip for us," I told her. "Has your sister called you?" 

"No Mom, she hasn't," I told her. "Well, she had to do community service..she's living with Grandma and Grandpa at the pool house." 

"What?" I gasped. "I thought that they were gonna help."

"Well..nope," Mom muttered. "Sweetheart, there's something you should know...after you boarded..someone showed up at the airport." 

"Who?" I asked her.


I let out a small gasp. "He..he was there?"

"Yes..I think you should put talking to him on your to do list once you get back." 

"Mom..how are you? Honestly?"

"I've been better but I'll feel so much better once you're back in the US. You'd better bring me back a copy of the movie." 

"It's a good thing I never told you the plot, I want it to be a surprise," I smiled.

"How is Tessa?" 

I looked over at her, drinking her coke. "She loved every minute, we'll be home in a couple of days."

"See you then." 


"I would like to make a toast," Nina said on the flight back. "This toast goes to Heather, for creating a beautiful piece of cinematic art."

"Cheers!" we all raised our glasses. 

"And we wish her luck as this works through Sundance, hopefully through the Hollywood box offices and the Academy Awards."

Tessa cheered and clapped.

The two of us sat back, drinking champagne. "At least you learned to hold your liquor," Tessa pointed out as we had champagne on the plane.

"It's been a lot better, but now I have loads to deal with at home," I mumbled.

"Your mom and Rory's fight and something to do with a certain someone," Tessa smirked. 

"Well, I certainly have a full agenda on my plate."


Just a filler, it's bad ik

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