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I was pretty annoyed that I still never got the chance to tell my mom or Rory that I achieved one of my biggest dreams.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up my sister, Rory Gilmore," I said to the cop. I handed him the bail money and I sat down.

I saw Colin and Finn next to me. "What happened?"

"They stole a yacht," Colin told me. "Un-freaking-believable," I sighed.

I wasn't keeping this a secret and Rory, more than likely, will be appearing in court.

The door buzzed and Rory came out. "I am so sorry."

"Save it," I grumbled and we walked out.

I got into my car. "Hezzy..I am so so sorry," Rory mumbled. "What the hell were you thinking?" I asked her. "And I'm not keeping this a secret from Mom."

"I will pay you back every cent, I swear," Rory promised me. My phone started ringing. "It's Mom," I answered the phone. "Hello?"

I parked the car outside the house. "Why did you bail?" Mom asked me. "Because Rory got arrested and I paid three hundred dollars in bail because she stole a yacht," I summed up. "And she's going to court on the third of June."


"We're at home," I told her. "She is paying you back every god damn cent," Mom grumbled. "Just keep her there."

"Right," I mumbled and hung up.

We went inside and we sat together on the couch. "Why did you steal the yacht?" I asked her.

"I was upset," she told me. "Because Mitchum Huntzberger says that he doesn't think I can make it as a journalist."

"WHAT?!" I freaked out. "The freaking asshole!"

I took a deep breath. "Wait till Mom gets home, we'll sort it."

I sighed and put my head in my hands. "Well, I can't really share my news."

"What news?" Rory asked me. "Sundance chose me, I'm going to Florence and Cannes to film the movie...the movie I wrote the script for."

The door shut and Mom gaped at me. "Yeah, poor timing, but I'm leaving in a few days,"

Mom hugged me tightly as did Rory.


I wasn't angry at Logan but I was at his dad, he was such a jackass and Logan agreed with me.

Mom and Rory surprised me with hot churros with hot Nutella for my breakfast.

"Surprise!" they exclaimed. "What is this?" I asked them, touched.

"We have to celebrate, despite my arrest," Rory told me and we sat down together.

Mom pointed at the fridge at Rory's mugshot. "Nice pic sis," I laughed.

"How much are they paying you?" Mom asked me. "A lot," I told her. "Tessa got hired as the first assistant director."

"We're so happy!" Mom squeezed me into a hug again. "Breathing..struggling to," I croaked.

"So what's the movie called?" Rory asked me. "Final Body," I told her. "We'll look out for it," Mom hugged me again. "I'm so proud of you hon."


"A private jet?" Tessa gasped as we had ice cream. "A private jet, state of the art accommodation," I fantasied.

"Oh my God!" Tessa jumped up and down. "You're gonna be famous!"

I got a page. "Hang on, my mom needs me."

I walked home to find Mom in absolute tears. "Mom?"

I ran over to her. "Rory told me that she's quitting Yale," she sniffled.

"What?" I gasped. "She told me..because of that damn family, who told her she wasn't good enough to marry Logan or be a journalist, that she is quitting Yale..sweetheart..I need you to back me up, please?"

I held her hands. "I'm with you Mom, a hundred percent."

I sat down. "I don't believe this," I whispered. "This could ruin her entire future."

"But, I can't make it on Friday," I told her. "My flight leaves Friday morning."

"Hopefully I'll have this all sorted by the time you get back," Mom said optimistically.

"It will," I mumbled. "It will."


Lorelai POV

"Are you ready?" I asked Heather. "Terrified," she admitted. "I'm absolutely terrified."

I pulled my daughter in close. I was in a big knot here. Rory was giving up her dreams while Heather's was staring at her, right in the face. I just hoped Mom and Dad could help me knock some sense into Rory.

"It's just scary to picture, I've wanted this since I could talk," Heather sniffled. "But now that I'm doing this..it doesn't feel realistic."

I pinched her on the arm and she jumped. "Oi!"

"Now is it realistic?" I asked her.

She laughed. "Yeah."

I gave her one last hug. "Tessa's on the jet, I'll bring home some presents."

"I love you sweetheart, you show them exactly what Heather Gilmore is made of," I told her.

"One part genius, two parts creative, three parts loving...all parts evil," Heather smirked. "That's my girl."

"Dude come on!" Tessa yelled.

"Bye Mom," Heather ran off and she and Tessa ran through the gate and onto the tarmac.

I heard running footsteps coming from behind me and they suddenly came to a stop.

"You just missed her," I told him. "No," he sighed. "She'll be back," I turned to face him. "Jess..if she knew you were coming..she would've delayed the flight."

Jess looked up at me. "She did it."

I nodded and smiled. "She did it."

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