Chapter I

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I woke up on a gray morning, i looked out the window, it was a rainy day, i wipped my tears and went to eat breakfast. My dad was already there.

"Good morning..." i tried to say.

"Shut up you stupid boy, i dont have time to talk to a mistake" he said angrily. His breath smelled like alcohol.

"You've been drinking right?" i said, almost whispering.

He heard me "So what? Are you concerned? Ha! You must be kidding!" he said. "You know what? We're out of beer, go for more, do something useful instead of just crying like a little girl".

"Okay dad" i was too tired to continue with the conversation.

I went out, in my way to the nearest store i was thinking "why am i even alive? Why im still here? I dont want to do this anymore. I need to die, i want to die..." my mind went like that until i arrived to the store. But i didnt knew what i would find there...

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