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"Kill me," my head is pounding. "This is what happens when you drink too much," Andrea scolded me. "But I'm not a lightweight!" I moaned. 

"You're hungover," Andrea smacked me on the back of the head and I cried out in pain. "I hate you," I groaned. "I know you do," Andrea smiled.

"Screw your birthday," I grumbled. 

The phone started ringing. "Hello? Yeah? She's here."

Andrea put the phone on my stomach. "Your sister."


"Mom and Luke are back together!" 

"No way..really?" I cheered. "Yep and I had sex," Rory added.

"With Logan?! When?"

"After our Chinese dinner," Rory admitted. "Are you coming to dinner tonight?" 

"I'm a little hungover," I admitted.

"That should be hilarious," Rory laughed. "I'm gonna get nagged," I rolled my eyes. "Wanna shop at ten tomorrow with me and Mom?" 

"Yes please," I mumbled. 


I drove to Grandma and Grandpa's after taking some aspirin. My head was still hurting me so much but I had to make do.

I pulled up outside and waited for Rory's car to come. I wasn't going in alone. 

Rory pulled up and laughed once she saw me. "How's the head?"

"Killing me, but I'm less of a lightweight," I pointed out. "I wasn't drunk until after my sixth beer."

"Why were you drinking so much?" Rory asked me. "Free bar," I explained to her. 

Rory rang the doorbell and Grandpa let us in. We gave him both a hug. "Are you alright Heather?" Grandpa looked at me. 

"Bit of a headache," I admitted. "Would you like some pain relief?" he asked me. "Yes please," I nodded.

"Rory, Heather," Grandma greeted us coldly. "Grandma," we replied in the same tone.

Dinner was a little awkward but we made it through without me being hounded about my headache.

"Head still hurting?" Rory asked me. "Yep," I nodded.


"I will come back for that sweater if I have to," I insisted. "I can't believe you went there hungover!" Mom laughed.

"She did, thankfully they didn't suspect a thing," Rory giggled. "Is that Logan?" Mom looked across the street. 

Rory looked as did I to see him with another girl. I knew they weren't properly dating, that it was casual but I was confused, Logan told me he really liked her.

"You should go out with a different guy then," I mumbled.

"Really?" Rory wondered. "Yeah, give him a taste of his own medicine," I smiled.

"Okay," Rory smirked.

The next day, I got a call from Logan. "Hello?"

"Hey can you come to Finn's birthday? It's a Quentin Tarantino theme." 

"Yeah sure," I nodded. "Not as a date right?"

"No..no, of course not, it's just..." 

"Logan, what's wrong?"

"Robert asked Rory and I need your help," he begged me.

"Okay, but you're picking me up."



I had a fake sword with a leather jacket. Tonight, I was Uma Thurman.

Logan's driver drove us to the party and we walked inside. "Tarantino is a good director," Logan mumbled. "Yeah but..Scorsese is my favourite," I told him.

"Heather, what are you?" Finn came up to me. 

"The Bride," I explained. "Without the yellow jumpsuit."

"I'll find my date," Logan said and stalked off.

I found Rory with a guy with fake blood. "Is that your Chilton uniform?" I asked her. "Yeah, Uma?"

"Of course," I nodded. "Robert, this is my sister, Heather."

Robert shook my hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, you too," I smiled. "I'm gonna go get drinks," he said to Rory and walked off.

"Cute," I smirked at Rory. "I think someone's jealous," I said once I saw Logan look over. He came over. "Thea can you excuse us?"

"Sure," I nodded and I walked off. 

I sat at the stool, drinking the weakest thing I can find. Robert came over to me. "Have you seen Rory?"

"No," I lied. 

"You a bad drunk?" he asked me. "I'm the blabby kind, so my drunkenness is ill advised," I told him.

"To Finn's craziness?"

"Hallelujah," I clinked my glass against his and I drank.


"You. Never. Learn," Andrea taunted me. "Piss off," I grumbled, burying my head into the pillow.

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