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The second the picture was taken, Mom stormed off and me and Rory took off after her. "Mom are you okay?" we asked her. "I'm fine," she mumbled.

"That wasn't a proud moment back there," I sighed. "Oh hon, I've had worse," she admitted. "Don't worry."

"Luke was so mad at us," Rory pointed out. "Go back," Mom said to us.

"Are you sure?" I asked her. "Because the guys wet themselves and ran."

"Yeah, go," Mom walked off.

"So you were making out with Logan?" I asked her, smirking. "Were you making out with Cole?" she asked me.

We both laughed. "We're definitely double dating," I smiled.


I unlocked my door and I sat on my couch, no messages, no emails..nothing.

I was wondering what happened between Mom, Dad and Luke.

I woke up the next morning and everything was empty. Andrea wasn't here, Cole was in Ithaca for the weekend, Rory was in Yale and Mom was pissed off.

I sighed and I decided to get a train to Yale. My car was in for its six month service.

I walked inside and I spotted Rory at her table. I sat down with her and Paris. "Are you okay?" Rory asked me. "I just didn't want to be alone in my apartment all day..so I came here," I sighed.

Rory helped me pick out the cereals for breakfast and put orange juice on my tray.

"Heather, is your sister screwing Logan Huntzberger?" Paris bluntly asked me. "Whoa!" me and Rory gasped.

"Well, you know Doyle right?" Paris asked me. "Heard of yes, met no," I told her.

"They're dating," Rory told me. "Oh good for you," I smiled at Paris. "Heather is dating a junior," Rory said to Paris. I rolled my eyes. "We haven't defined our relationship yet Ror," I said to her.

"The three of us are not waiting around for dumb boys," Paris insisted. "I am not waiting for Doyle to call, you are not waiting for Huntzberger to call and you are not waiting for your old man to call."

"He's twenty one," I rolled my eyes. Paris stood up to talk to some girls by the vending machine and came back. "Okay, we have to call them," she told us. "Althea and Janet said so."


"Because they think you two are drama because your mom, dad and potential boyfriend walked in on you guys," Paris advised us. "Ask to 'hang out' with them."


Rory did ask Logan to hang out and I slept in her room, seeing as I had no classes or work on Monday.

My cell started ringing. "Hello?"

"Heather, it's Sookie, something happened between your mom and Luke," she explained.

"Oh my God!" I gasped. "Is Mom okay?"

"No, she's in really bad shape, she's down, I need you and Rory to come as soon as possible," Sookie pleaded with me.

"Okay, well I'm in Yale, I'm gonna get Rory and we'll be there soon," I said.

"Okay, hurry!"

I grabbed my bag and my coat and rushed out of Rory's dorm room.

I ran across Yale campus until I made it to Logan's dorm. I hammered on the door frantically. Logan opened it. "Jesus, you okay Thea?"

"Is Rory in there?" I asked him. He nodded and let me in. "Rory," I shook her awake as she fell asleep on the couch. "We have to go, now!"

"Where?" she asked me. "Home, it's an emergency," I told her. "I don't have my car," Rory told me. "Shit I don't either," I panicked. "Here take my car," Logan offered. "I'll call Frank and he'll drive you both there, he'll meet you both out front."

"Thank you Logan," I said to him.

We hopped into the back and Rory looked at me, panicked. "What happened?"

"Sookie called me, Mom is in really bad shape," I told her. "I think she and Luke broke up."

Rory gaped and put her hand over her mouth. "And I think Dad might have had something to do with it," I added.

"There was a lot of yelling the other day," Rory agreed.

The two of us burst through the front door and ran upstairs. "Mom!"

We found her, in her bed, crying her eyes out. "He's gone," she wailed. "He hates me. I blew it. I blew everything...I should have told him about Christopher."

She couldn't stop crying and my heart broke for her. And judging by the look on Rory's face, the feeling was mutual.

"She got to him," Mom sobbed. "To Dad?" Rory wondered. "Who did?" I asked her.

"My mother," she cried. "She pushed him to ruin everything! They're putting up ribbons outside."

"Who?" I asked her, gently, making a kill list inside my head. "Taylor, the town, they all hate me."

"Come on," Rory pleaded with her. "Try to sit up."

"He said he needed time to think and I pushed him over the edge and now he's gone."

"Hey," I murmured. "He waited forever, he's not gonna walk away."

"You two should be in school," she muttered. "We're staying. School can wait for a couple of days," I said to her.

The two of us lay in bed with her as she cried. "Go to sleep Mom," we soothed her.

Me and Mom were there for Rory when Dean broke her heart. Mom and Rory were there for me when I was broken up about Jess leaving. Now, it's time for me and Rory to be there for Mom.

Me and Rory decided to go on a supply run for Mom. "I can't believe this," I muttered. "Why would Grandma do this? And this whole ribbon thing is humiliating not just for Mom but for Luke as well!"

"I know," Rory agreed with me as we got Lane and Tessa to shop for us to avoid the ribbon thing. The two of us were hiding in Logan's limo.

"You might wanna hold me back from punching people," I said to Rory.

Lane and Tessa got back in. "They are so heartless!" Lane exclaimed. "What's going on?" Rory asked them. "Taylor," they said in unison.

"Frank, give me two minutes, I'll be back," I grumbled. I got out of the limo and I stormed into Doose's.

"Ribbons! Now!"

Taylor, out of fear, gave me the box and I stormed back to the limo. Someone kept honking at us. "My turn!" Rory stuck her head through the sunroof to yell at the honker.

She suddenly ducked back in the limo.


We had Mom's junk food all brought upstairs and Frank brought up the TV and DVD player.

We joined Mom on the bed. "Girls," Mom looked at me. "Columbia and Yale can go suck eggs," I pouted.

"Go," Mom ordered. "Fine, but we will bug you until the end of time," Rory threatened and we got back into the limo.

"Can you take my sister back to Columbia University please?" Rory asked Frank. "Of course," he said.

I bought a small thank you thing for Logan and I gave it to Rory to give to him.

"So we're going to blank Dad and Grandma?" I wondered. "Most likely, yes," Rory told me. "Hezzy?"


"I don't know what I'd do without you," she murmured.

"Me neither."

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