chapter 1:

11 2 1

Today was the day....

The day you switch Schools ,you were sad and stressed cause you knew you were loosing all you're friends , and most importantly you're best friend Phoebe, you guys have been friends for 14 years and you coulnd't lose her yet,
You waren't ready. At 5pm u had to leave to Mc Clarren High, you heard rumors,that people dissapeard over there but you thought to you're self,
there just rumors.....
You decided to reste before going to you're new school.

You're parents:

Y/N it's time to go!
FUCK you overslept and you were late.
But you got there ofcourse but still late.Everyone was looking at you laughing at you, you were embarrassed and you're face turned red,
and more people were laughing now.
You got soo upset, cause this was you're first day and you're alreagy the scholl clown.

fantasyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora