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I was playing my guitar in my room, seeing if I could play Don't Stop Me Now.

I was strumming quite fast and singing along that I didn't hear the phone ringing.

I let out my final strum and I finally heard the phone. I jumped up to get it. "About time!"

"Sorry, sorry, I couldn't hear you over the guitar," I said to Rory. "Now..what's wrong?"

"I am so sick of humouring Grandma and Grandpa! To hell with the separation, I'm sick of having to go to one place for drinks and one place for dinner," Rory ranted.

"Okay?" I murmured, confused as heck.

"We need to talk some sense into them, me and you will talk to one of them and Mom to the other, we'll talk to Grandpa okay?"

"Fine," I agreed.

"Thank you!"

"I do agree," I sighed. "Are you okay? After Dean?"

"I'm good, talk to you later?"

"Yeah, see ya," I said.


Me and Cole sat on the bleachers, eating burgers. "This is so good," he moaned in content. "Agreed," I took a bite.

"Are you nearly finished with the script?" he asked me. "No, I'm having a bit of writer's block," I told him.

"But, I know you can do it, you just got to work out the kinks," Cole told me. I scoffed. "Easier said than done, writing a script isn't easy."

"You're reading way too much into this," Cole told me. I gave him that look.

"The people from Sundance are gonna be here in about six months, they look for sophomores going into to junior year or juniors going into senior year," I told him. "I'm reading what I have to into this."

I looked down. "Well I'm heading for Sundance and if I'm having writer's block, that's bad."

I got up off the bleachers and started heading down. "Hey! Where are you going?!" Cole yelled after me.

"Somewhere to think!" I called back and I walked away.


"Grandpa, don't worry about it, it's fine," I said. "No it's not," he insisted. "When one is entertaining two elegant young ladies for dinner, dinner is expected."

"Yeah, but we just sprang this on you," Rory pointed out.

"Nonsense," Grandpa brushed the statement off. "I'm thrilled you're both here although I'm confused at the new arrangement."

"Well," I started off. "We don't really get to spend as much time with you and Grandma since the separation."

"And you've made the place really nice you know, fun, yours, temporary," Rory mumbled, scratching the back of her neck.

"It could also be nice for a more permanent solution," I added. "Such as the previous solution that lasted forty years?"

"Oh we have frozen pizza!" Grandpa exclaimed, rushing to the freezer. "There's even cheese in the crust!"

We looked at each other and we just shrugged. Our 'we tried' look.

I did manage to write my next scene. I should probably explain the plot.

It's about this man in the Italian mafia named Antonio, loyal to his family without a doubt until he meets a girl in the French mafia named Astrid.

Forbidden romance.

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