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I was on some sort of craze. I was up, cooking at three in the morning.

I turned around to see Mom, with a worried look on her face. "Hey, you want some mac n cheese?" I asked her.

"Mac n cheese?"

"I make it when I can't sleep," I told her. "Okay," Mom nodded and sat down.

I served the portions and we both ate. "Are you okay?"

"I'm alright Mom, I just don't want people to walk on eggshells around me, Jess is gone, he said goodbye, it is time to move on with my life," I said. "I wallowed for three days but I'm fine, I promise."

"You just want people to stop asking those type of questions right?" Mom assumed. "You know me so well," I smirked. "But you're allowed to bring Jess up in conversation."

"Okay, so are you looking forward to your holiday?" Mom asked me. "Definitely," I smiled. "We're wearing cameras so we can record the rollercoasters."

"You have to show me that," Mom laughed. "Why do I smell mac n cheese?" we heard Rory's voice.

"Run!" me and Mom grabbed the pasta and ran upstairs.


Mom gave the people the message, not to walk on eggshells around me.

I walked out to see Mom and Rory outside Luke's. "Uh what's going on?" I wondered. "Get this..Mom thinks she and Luke are dating," Rory told me.

"Get out of here!" I gasped and looked at Mom. "It's a possibility but there is a good chance that I could be wrong," Mom mumbled.

"Okay, start from the beginning," I instructed her. "I went with him to Liz's wedding and it was really nice. We even slow danced. Waltzed."

"He can waltz?!" me and Rory exclaimed in unison. "Then he asked me to a movie after he walked me home and I said yes," she explained.

"Then yes, you're dating," I nodded. "Let's just go in."

We walked back in and Luke came up to us. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes," Mom said and ended up slipping and knocking everything off the table. "I'll get the broom," Luke muttered and walked off.

That Friday night, we were all sitting around the table, as usual but it was silent.

"Lorelai, why aren't you eating?" Grandma asked her. "I don't like rabbit," Mom told her. "You're not eating rabbit," she told her.

"This is rabbit sauce," Mom pointed out. "It is rabbit sauce," Grandpa muttered. "No it's not! Do not tell her that it's rabbit sauce!" Grandma snapped.

"It tastes like rabbit sauce to me," he retorted. "That just shows how much attention you give to the meals that are prepared for you," Grandma grumbled.

"So what is it?" Mom asked the million dollar question. "Duck," she answered. "Oh," Mom muttered, still not pleased.

"Sriva, come get the plates, we're done!" Grandma called. "I'm not!" Grandpa exclaimed. "Bring out the desserts," she ordered to Sriva. "Rory, the two of us should go away this summer," Grandma suggested. "You should do Europe right. It's a perfect time."

"You're forgetting your other granddaughter Emily," Grandpa muttered. "Mariana told me that Heather is travelling with Andrea and her friend Tessa, is that right Heather?"

"Yeah, we're going on holidays to Florida then London," I told her. "I'll get you presents," Rory promised me. "Same here," I said.

"Seems a little out of the blue," Grandpa pointed out. "Why didn't you mention this to me before?" Mom asked her. "I just did," Grandma told her. "I was going to invite Rory and Heather but Mariana Swarbrick told me Heather already has plans."

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