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It was the big game of spoons between the Film Department and the Theatre Department last night.

And we whopped their asses!

I was playing a game of solitaire on my coffee table waiting for Rory. "Oh Hezzy oh Hezzy! Let down your hair!"

I rushed onto the balcony and I lowered the ladder so Rory could climb up. We both climbed through the window. "How did the spoons go?"

"Film department won this year, it was me vs Gretchen," I told her. "Duff-man was nearly in tears."

"So what you working on?" Rory asked me. "Well, I'm currently working on a paper about the role of the director," I told her. "I'm also working on a script, about the mafia, this guy who betrays them in order to settle down with a girl and they go on the run."

"Can I read it?" Rory asked me. "Yeah, but I'm only forty percent done," I told her. "And watch out for the chair, doesn't look like much but hurts like hell walking into it."

"Got it," Rory nodded.

She disappeared into my room and the buzzer for my apartment went off. "You expecting anyone?" Rory wondered. "Nope," I mumbled. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Cole, can I come in for a sec?"

"Yeah sure," I pressed the button to let him in. He jogged up the stairs and came into my apartment. "Hey Hezzy what's your password?"

Rory came out of my room. "This is Cole," I introduced them. "Cole, this is my twin sister, Rory."

"Pleasure," Cole said and he and Rory shook hands. "Do you have the notes about the film mistakes?" he asked me. "Yeah, it's in my room, Ror, can you get the purple folder with the blue lightning bolt for me please?"

She nodded and went back into my room. "How are you?" I asked him. "I'm good..you?" he responded. "Yeah, I'm good," I nodded. "So, you were really good in that game the other night, you should've seen Gretchen's face."

"Yeah, she wasn't happy," I pointed out. "I have the folder," Rory came back out. "Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow Heather, nice meeting you Rory," he said and left. Once Rory spotted him walking down the street, she turned to me. "He's gorgeous! And into you!"

"Really?" I wondered. She had a big grin on her face.


"Why are you like that?" Andrea asked me. "Why is your body in that position? How is your head not hurting?"

"I'm bored," I mumbled. I was lying down on my bed with my torso hanging off the bed and the top of my head touching the floor and my hair sprawled all over the floor.

"Hey hon," Mom laughed. "Mom!" I tried to sit up but the rest of my body just fell to the floor, my hair was a mess and I was in a loose t-shirt and yoga pants. "Hi."

"Is that your meditation?" Mom asked me, sitting on my suspended chair. "Yes," I admitted. "How come you're here?"

"I was picking up some stuff for the inn," Mom told me. "I won't be at dinner this week."

"The Jason thing?" I assumed. "Has it gotten that bad?"

"My father is ruining his life," Mom sighed. "He was horrible to me and I'm not sitting there pretending everything's okay."

"Please come Mom, give him one more chance and me and Rory will stay by your side that evening, I promise," I said to her. "That meditation is making you less evil," Mom pointed out.

I started laughing. "Seriously! It is!"


"Mom, let's move it along," me and Rory were basically dragging Mom through the driveway. "But we're early!" Mom complained.

"Might as well get it over with," I made a good point.

"He's gonna give me the silent treatment," Mom grumbled. "Either that or full frontal assault."

"Or he'll say sorry," Rory added. "But the only way to find out is to go through that door and find out."

I rang the doorbell. "Evil!"

"Lorelai!" Grandpa answered the door. "Rory! Heather! You're early."

"There wasn't much traffic," Rory informed him and he let us in. "Shall we have some drinks? There's no ice, I'll go get some."

Grandma was shocked that we were early too. "Rory? Heather? How's school?" she asked us, stuttering a little.

"Fine," Rory told her. "It's good," I told her. "What is happening?" Mom looked at me.

We went in to eat our dinner and it was completely silent. And awkward.

"So...is there any dessert?" Mom asked Grandma. "No, I'm on a diet," she rambled, not looking Mom in the eye. "You're not fat Grandma," I said. "Thank you Lorelai," she murmured. I widened my eyes and I looked at Mom, who just shrugged.

"Then we should get going," Mom said. "Oh wait, I brought chocolate from Belgium," Grandma rushed into the kitchen and came back with three red bags and hand one to Mom, one to me and one to Rory.

Once we left, Mom was gobsmacked. "What the hell is going on?" she exclaimed. "I mean first was the awkwardness and repeating questions, then no dessert, early end and she got Heather's name wrong!"

She gasped at the car in the driveway. "And might I add, never and I mean NEVER parks her car here."

Once the door opened, Mom grabbed me and Rory and we hid in the bushes, for some godforsaken reason. "Okay, this is definitely weird," I mumbled.

We watched as Grandma got into her car and drove off. "Is Mom not staying here tonight?" Mom gasped.

I looked at Rory and we both just shrugged at each other.


"This is actually kind of relaxing," Andrea pointed out. "Told you," I murmured. "So your grandparents are split?" she asked me.

"Seems that way, my mom found out that my grandmother is living in a hotel," I yawned.

"Yikes," Andrea sighed. "How do you get used to the head rush?"

"Months of practice," I told her. "Just try not to think about it."

"What do I think about?"

"Puppies covered in suds."


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