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"So you guys are talking?" Tessa asked me over the phone. "Yeah, but the conversations are really awkward though," I pointed out.

"You going on spring break?" she asked me. "A bunch of us are going down to Florida."

"So can me and Andrea tag along?" I asked her. "Yeah sure, I've got a nice van, I'll pick you guys up tomorrow morning, okay?"

My phone beeped. "Putting you on hold for a sec."

I switched to my next call. "Hey Ror."

"Are you going on spring break with Andrea?"

"I am, Tessa's coming too, you want to join our group?" I asked her. "Me and Paris though, not just me," she clarified. "Okay, I'd better pack then, Tessa is picking us up in the morning, so help me!"

"Bathing suit, summer clothes, sunscreen, books, your oversized shirt, basically California gearbox it's Florida."

"I'll see you then, right?" I asked her. "See you there."


Tessa picked us up in a camper van. I called shotgun while Andrea was in the back. "Okay, we have two double beds," Tessa told us as she was driving down the interstate. "Warning, Tessa snores," I said to Andrea.

"Screw you, if I snore just roll me on my side," Tessa instructed me, whilst rolling her eyes.

"I'll share with Tessa," I spoke up. "Next?"

"We're staying at the Sea Sprite Motel," she informed me. "Right next to the beach."

We arrived at the motel later that night. Tessa parked the van and the three of us got out of it and one of the employees approached us. "I booked a room, under the name Sinclair."

"I have you girls in room seven," he handed us the key. Tessa unlocked the door and the room was pretty nice. "Never mind, there's a sofa bed," she told us. "I'll take sofa bed," I offered.

"At least it's just the three of us and we aren't sharing with twelve people," Andrea smirked. "You should've seen me, Mom and Rory in Europe."

"You guys wanna come here for the summer, every amusement park in Florida and Thorpe Park in London?" Andrea asked us. "I can make the arrangements for July."

"All of July? Sign me up!" Tessa cheered. "Yeah, me too, I love rollercoasters," I smiled.

Tessa looked out the window. "Rory! We're in here!"

Rory came through the door and hugged Tessa. "Wow ignore your twin sister," I rolled my eyes and I hugged her tightly.

Paris came into my room and gave me a hug. "Who is this? I don't think we've met."

"I'm Tessa," she introduced herself. "Do you go to Columbia?" Paris asked her. "No, I go to Brown," she told her. "Well, do you guys want to join us at the beach tomorrow? We have a tent," Paris offered.

"Yes please!" Andrea piped up. "Wanna get a drink?" I asked Rory. The two of us walked to the bar together. "How have Paris and Tessa not met? I thought they did," Rory wondered. "Apparently they didn't," I shrugged.

"How's Columbia?" she asked me. "Good, I got an A on my paper about CGI," I told her. "How's Yale and journalism?"

"Doyle was being hard for three days then I guilt tripped him into giving me a break," Rory told me. "Classic," I laughed.

"Two root beers," I requested at the bar. We sat down at the bar and our drinks were served. "So, do you have any plans this summer?" Rory asked me. "Riding as many rollercoasters as I can," I smiled. "You know, we should go to Vegas once we turn twenty one."

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