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Gil woke up in a cold sweat. He was breathing heavily as he sat himself up. There was a familiar person in his dream. They didn't look human. They looked like something out of a horror movie. Their eyes were glowing and their hair floated around like they were submerged under water. Gil couldn't shake the feeling that the person in his dream was real.

"Psst," Gil heard from the corner of his room.

Gil's head darted towards his door. There was a shadow in in front of the doorway.

"You need to tell Hunter and James," whispered the shadow.

"Tell them what?"

"That I'm alive."

The shadow disappeared.

Gil cried. He whimpered and shook. He turned and faced the wall. He covered himself and hugged his throw pillow. He wiped his tears and tried calming himself down. His tears slowed down after he imagined Robert Smith whispering sweet nothings to him. 

This wasn't the first time this happened. He had a feeling it wouldn't be the last.

Gil fell back asleep.

DEVIL TOWN: BOOK OF CANCERWhere stories live. Discover now