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So this chapter will switch between Heather and Jess' POV so bear with me.

"So your plan for the day is to keep yourself busy?" Rory asked me. "I've been making orders for a birthday party tomorrow," I told Rory. "Whose birthday is it?"

"Sophia's," I explained. "Claire is organising the venue at the Rainbow Room."

"You're obsessed with that place," Rory laughed. "The party's on Sunday, so I'm cutting my visit short, before you ask, it isn't about you know who," I told her.

"Hmm," Rory wiggled her eyebrows. "I'm not doing this on purpose!" I exclaimed. "Claire is doing her bit, I have to do mine."

"Why didn't you just do it in Manhattan?" Rory wondered.

"Oi! Quit interrogating me," I grumbled and I threw on my coat. I grabbed my list and I started heading towards the bookstore. I noticed a big line of traffic and Jess' car being moved by a group of guys, with Jess steering.

His eyes locked with mine for a second and I ducked into Doose's. "Subtle Heather, real subtle," I sighed angrily. "Hey stranger," I heard a familiar voice. "Dean! How are you?" I asked him. "Uh I'm good," he told me. "Need help with anything or are you avoiding someone?"

"Kind of both," I admitted. I looked around and I picked out all the party decorations. I dumped them at the register. "Friend's birthday, big deal, big party," I explained. "You get a good place for it?" Dean asked me. "Uh Rainbow Room," I told him as he was putting them into bags.

"Damn, that's kind of exclusive, how'd you manage that?"

"Another friend works there," I told him. I grabbed my three bags and I went out to my car to dump them in but unfortunately, I dropped one of the bags and all the contents spilled. "Heya," Liz came over to me. "Having a party?"

"Ground party," I quipped. "Hold on there sugar, I'll get it," she offered and picked them up. I unlocked the trunk and I put the bags in. "Thank you Liz," I gave her a small smile as she put the bag in. "I hope I'm not intruding, talking to my son's ex-girlfriend."

"No, it's no problem," I reassured her. "So, birthday party?" Liz pointed at the bags. "A friend of mine from Columbia, we're having this big party," I told her.

"Well good luck with that and don't get too drunk," she advised me. "Noted," I nodded.

Jess POV

Okay, now I know for certain that Heather is avoiding me. The second she saw me, she disappeared inside.

"She's definitely avoiding you," Kirk pointed out. "Really? I didn't notice," I grumbled angrily and sarcastically. "Well she's busy," Gypsy pointed out, while fixing the car. "She's here all weekend, she can't be that busy," I sighed.

"She's leaving tonight, that's how busy she is," Gypsy told me. "I'm surprised she hasn't exploded."

"Isn't that difficult?" Kirk wondered. "Why are you still here?" I asked him, raising my arms angrily. "The poor girl is stressed out, her college professor noticed and that isn't good," Gypsy said. "Lorelai told me."

I looked down. I never knew how much pressure she was under. She needed me and I wasn't there for her.

"You know, the less you hover, the faster I work," Gypsy reminded me and literally shooed me away.

"God I'm so stupid," I grumbled under my breath. I went into Weston's just to get away from everyone. I was still stuck on her.

I just read, shutting everything and everyone out. Until I heard her voice. "Hey, I placed an order, Gilmore?"

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